
Struve Geodetic Arc

The Struve Geodetic Arc was a network of triangulation points developed in the 19th century, in an attempt to accurately calculate the size and shape of our planet. 34 of the original 265 points are clearly marked and were recognised…

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Tuesday, 21st September 2010

The Russian Woodpecker

Last week a top-secret Russian shortwave radio station, UVB-76, began broadcasting a coded message for only the fourth time in 28 years. Today we're exploring another shortwave system within the radioactive zone surrounding Chernobyl, The Russian Woodpecker The Russian Woodpecker…

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Monday, 30th August 2010

“The Buzzer” speaks! (Voice transmission confirmed at UVB-76)

Regular readers may remember our post from 2009 about a Russian shortwave radio station, UVB-76, that has been emitting a short buzz tone on the AM frequency almost continuously since 1982. In the following 28 years the buzzing had only…

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Wednesday, 25th August 2010

The polluted city of Norilsk, Siberia

New writer: Daniel Chapman Daniel recently graduated from the University of New Orleans with a degree in urban planning but grew up in the UK. He is currently planning to move to Mexico to teach English before beginning his real…

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Monday, 19th October 2009


Sayano–Shushenskaya was - until a recent accident - the largest power plant in Russia, and the sixth largest hydroelectric plant in the world. The main feature of the power station is a dam 245 m high and over a kilometre…

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Tuesday, 8th September 2009

“The Buzzer” (UVB-76)

Around 25 times a minute, 24 hours a day, this Russian shortwave radio station emits a short, monotonous buzz tone1 on the AM frequency at 4625 kHz. The station's callsign is "UVB-76", but is known amongst enthusiasts as "The Buzzer",…

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Tuesday, 21st July 2009

Welcome to Google Sightseeing!

Google Sightseeing takes you on a tour of the world as seen from satellite or street views using Google Maps. Our team of authors present weird and wonderful sights as suggested by readers.

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