UFO Updates
Wednesday, 18th May 2005 by James Turnbull
Thanks to everyone who commented on the original UFO find, although we're still not sure what they are, there's been some interesting developments.
Ian Pottinger and jher were the first to find that there are in fact eight of these UFOs over Florida, at the following points
One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven - Eight
and Tensus used keyhole to map the points showing that they make a very neat grid.
Yoshino and jher later noticed that the UFOs are not limited to Florida but can also be found over L.A.
One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven - Eight - Nine - Ten - Eleven - Twelve - Thirteen
and Tensus again mapped the points, which appear in an almost straight line.
Things the UFOs are definitely not...
Space debris or another satellite?
Derek & Tensus discovered that the close-up images of Florida are taken by AerialsExpress.com at an altitude of 17,500 feet so are aerial photos and not satellite images.
Marks added to obscure famous peoples homes?
While there's no doubt the whitehouse photos were processed for security it is very unlikely these UFOs are intentional 'cover-ups' due to the neat grid layout.
Water towers?
The UFOs are just too big to be water towers (and there's no shadow).
Anomaly produced by the stitching software?
Shi Ju says
Definitely they’re NOT marks for picture stitching. In most stitching software (like for making panoramas) the algorithm comes down to finding sharp and contrasting details and aligning those spots with each other.
Things the UFOs still could be...
An alien spacecraft?
It's still possible!
A weather balloon?
Tm says
The "Grid" is centered around an airfield, common launch points for weather balloons.
Although Klem says
All currently used radiosonde devices (weather balloons) are latex, yellowish beige to transluscent
and Jello adds
The object in question here does not cast a ground effect, therefore does not exist in the air.
A 'lenticular' cloud?
Patrick was the first to float this idea and the images he posted do look similar to the UFOs, although it is unlikely clouds would form in neat grids.
Condensation on the lens?
Possibly the current forerunner for most likely explanation, Stuart said...
Condensation inside some sort of housing would be my guess. If the drop were directly on the lens it would be effectively invisible. Put it a few inches/feet away and have the camera shooting with a very deep depth of field (as you would with a small aperture) and it would look just like that anomaly.
Something else?
Possibly one of: Peppermint, baseball, Vogon ship, crop circle, planet, thumbtack, ballbearings, smoke, pond, swamp gas, golf ball, satellite, flying ninja, space junk or contact lens as others have suggested!
Very imaginative people ! You random the net but u don’t cross the good ways
What r u tellin’ about those “bubbles” ? No aliens and no water Tour … Those spheres are nothin’ but antigravity “B2 spirit” bomber flyin over cities. Supersonic engines make a kind of “electromagnetic bubble” (transsonic area) by translation over the sound speed. You can see this plane here Lon: -118.081944 Lat: 34.637500 on Lancaster BaseAFB. and more information on this hightech aircraft : http://www.galleryoffluidmechanics.com/conden/b2bg.htm
I hope i don’t broke ya dreamz of martians. Peace on earth Human
Still going with the sh!t ont he lens theory?
im not gonna say that its a UFO, but for one, dirt doesnt have a blue to silver gradient shade to it, and it DEFINATELY isnt water… water would refract the light and still be somewhat transparent. most of them are opaque.
furthermore, anything as close as a lens or shield (like, within 2-3 feet away), would NOT be in focus as the orbs are. it would simply appear to be a blur. of the whole shot, that is. think of looking through binoculars while focused at an object quite a distance away, and when someone walks in front of you, theyre WAY out of focus.
i know the dots have a bit of a blur to them, but the focal ratio for 2 feet away to 17,000+ feet away wont give you anything near that sharp.
I haven’t been back to this forum for several months. I have returned now out of curiosity to see if anyone has solved the mystery of the Google “blobs” since I left. I am rather surprised that there is still some discussion going on, but I guess that this indicates that no one has yet come up with a solution that satisfies everyone. I personally gave up, because, while no explanation that had then been put forward completely convinced me, I was almost certain that these things must have some mundane (but unfortunately obscure) origin, and eventually I lost interest in trying to discover what that might be. Since then and now, however, I have (coincidentally and without looking for it) come across some stuff which maybe might be of interest to those of you who have stuck with it here. I have a whole collection of Martian blobs (from Pathfinder to Rover), which I haven’t had time to organize on Flickr yet, and the following is a photo from the GOES weather satellite which appears to show some Google type blobs, only from a greater distance.
I think we can rule out condensation on the lens (in space?) or gunge on the scanner (which is in the satellite). Any other ideas?
The only mundane explanation that I can think of to explain the blobs (or would “dots” be a better term here given their size?) in the GOES satellite photo is that they are caused by data holes (i.e., pixels for which for some reason there is no data available), which are given a vaguely spherical appearance by the JPG compression process. However, they also look very similar to the small blobs in the Mars photos below, and these seem (as far as I can tell) to appear only in the sky and not randomly across the photos.
Does anyone know what these are?
I think someone needs to drive to the location that is obscured by the blobs, and let us know what is being hidden! I think they are hiding something from view so that it cannot be located from the images.
Pygar, what the heck are those????
well, i’ll just chalk all this up to the aliens while y’all lose sleep over it… eheheheheh
Has anybody tried using WorldWind? WW is NASA’s free satellite imagery program, but they do not use the same images as Google. IN fact, you can choose from several different SATs, like the GEOSats.
Just a suggestion, good find.
Not all balloons are yellow.
Such translucent balloons would leave very little ground shadows.
i think these are signs of coming storms, are earthquackes. even wildfires.
human hit the nail on the head. the chances of that happening are very slim but it happened! even a f-16 or any other supersonic aircraft could do the same thing. here are some pics for evidence: http://users.hfx.eastlink.ca/~sryan/gallery/f18%20super%20sonic.jpg http://www.richard-seaman.com/Aircraft/AirShows/PointMugu2004/Highlights/F18VaporCone.jpg http://www.voodoo.cz/tomcat/new/f14303.jpg
Now that I see them I remember that one day last year I saw those things in the air. I work on hollywood and my office faces east. I counted 6 or seven of then and they seem to be moving slowly across the sky. At first i just thought they were balloons but then they seem to just disappear. Before they were gone I tried to take some pictures of them. but they were hard to find in my viewfinder and I didn’t get any on my digital camera.
Now I’m freaking out!!!!!!!!!!
3 of the so called “8” sites over florida are exactly the same image. The “thing” (whatever it is) is probably the result of artifact from a lens or angle defect.
I keep reading that people think that this is some sort of plane breaking the sound barrier. here is a clip of that. http://www.fracpilot.com/videos/F14%20Breaking%20Sound%20Barrier.wmv
I saw these orbs with my own eyes. they didn’t seem to be moving all that fast and they all were arround about 15 minute. so either they were planes that maintained the sound barrier speed for fifteen minutes and were stationary OR they were just orbs hoovering in the air.
This really isn’t much of a mystery.
1) This is aerial photography, not satellite photography.
2) What you see in Google Maps/Earth is a mosaic of many photographs taken from a plane flying a collection grid.
3) The fact that the anomalies show up in a straight line is proof that they are associated with the flight path of the airplane, not anything on the ground or flying below.
4) Anything associated with the flight path of the plane must have something to do with the camera, since there would be no part of the plane below the camera mounting, or at least not within the field of view.
Therefore, a drop of water behind the lens is the only rational explanation. Sorry all you consiracy theorists, the truth is always simpler.
While I find it improbable to assume that the object is an extraterrestrial spacecraft there have been a series of UFOs seemingly fitting the image of this ‘craft’ captured in a video posted on compfused.com — http://www.compfused.com/directlink/801/ — the video presents a man with the ability to ‘summon’ such space crafts, but before you disregard it, the video doesn’t look doctored and even leaves the news crew that presents the video baffled. I definitely see a connection between these sightings and the “UFO” captured on google maps — which is a little freaky — but I was wondering if you guys concurred
does anyone know what the hell this is? 26 miles wide very clear on google earth
22° 3’12.00″E
I think people need to curb wishful thinkings when they find something that they havn’t seen or don’t understand.
I think the most likely explaination is secret experimental vehicles or things of that nature. Just because you havn’t seen it and don’t know what it is, doesn’t mean the military didn’t already build it 30 years ago and simply hid it from the public.
Or it’s UFOs sent to spy us from the secret alien base inside the hollow moon which is really a flying fortress built to spy on humanity.
What’s more likely?
Man Basically there was something wrong with the sat or somthing. People are too paranoid now a days. You figure that the same sat takes the pictures of all the places that were shown with the “UFO”. The same peice of trash or what ever it was happend to be on the lens of the sat. The sat happend to take pictures of all those place in the area.
I’ve added a kmz file to my blog that will pull most of these spheres into google earth.
View Placemark
To me i doesn’t really look like it can be a UFO. It looks more like there was something on the lense, it also look like it can be a water spot.
Umm….yeah. This is just for homework or what not, but if you really want my opinion, then…I think the stupid marks are just some blurs that happened to be on the camera lens at the time, and once the pictures were developed, people blew the BLURS wayy out of proportion.
or it could always be a doctored picture that people wanted to freak other people out with.
to be honest i think thats its just a wrapper that was sitting on the floor or something.and like the sun is reflecting on it so when the satellite took this picture thats what it showed.or also it can be like a smudge on the film or something.ok there.now give me my grade mr.teacher. ~A.Ramos~
yeh im just like whatever i dont realy think its a ufo, its probly like just a reflection of light or something.
what is this?
View Placemark
See the Glacier National Park site (http://www.nps.gov/glac/webcams/mgcam.htm) for their explanation (“… reflection of the light on the front of the camera on the glass window of the housing …”) for the “orange spot” visible on the shoreline view of Many Glacier Lake. If you blow up a ‘snap any area’ view (as with MWSnap), the similarity is too striking to ignore. – blzbob
Anything in connection with UFO is totally blured… Got to know…
sorry, a error.
View Placemark
hi i would want a picture of a ufo plese
Cesar Revilla
View Placemark “
That would be the secret location of atlantis… oops – did I say that too loud?
here goes again, but close!
View Placemark
is not Atlantis
It is probably just a mark added in by Google used to help keep track of the spacing between separate pictures. Either that or condensation which is also very probable, and has been mentioned a lot.
This was another side affect of the Matrix being assimilated by the Borgs. The breakdancing competition was owned by the Borgs though… See pg 10 of “Alien-Civilazation”. Also posted by me.
It seems everyone is always looking to take away from what is clearly there. As far from normal as it seems,these are photos of UFO’s,and if you look around,all around,you will see more and more.These things are landing everywhere. If you’ve noticed alot of “helecoptors” around lately,they’re not .They are UFO”s in disguise.You”ll notice them going down where there are no airports,but when you get to where you know they landed you”ll only see a car.Check out that car.you will notice it slowly transforming into that car. The lights will be messed up,the car itself will be slightly off,just watch it.Also pay attention to cars on the freeways,you”ll notice a bunch of trucks and/or SUV’s hanging together and you can’t get up to them because other “cars”won’t let you by until the transforming is done then they all seperate and you’ll notice one or two very small cars that are very slowly getting bigger. As crazy as it sounds,it’s true.That’s why we seem to have so much more traffic in the last few years.We are my friends slowly being invaded,and I’m trying to spread the word.Maybe theres still time to do SOMETHING to help ourselves. Do some reading, UFO’s,Cydonia,and the Bible is very informative. Many things under just “UFO,s. The publisher of “PARANOID TIMES” has ALOT to inform us about !Edward Nembulas. I’m not sure of the spelling.Please people,this is no joke,check things out,all around you,and you WILL notice very strange happenings.I could go on for hours with tons of info. but I’m just trying to alert yiu right now.I’m just trying to get the word out. I have alot of video taken with my security camera,I wish I had the money for some good equiptment that would show things much clearer. I’m going to be working on that. Thanks for listening,Lynn in California
Shoot, my car is shrinking. Sometimes, though, it seems like it was made on some other planet. I just wish it would stop trying to mate with the neighbor’s backhoe. Makes an awful noise.
Is it just me or is that bird Lynn barking mad.
It’s interesting that in this instance
View Placemark
the map is available at the highest zoom level south of the sphere but is not available north of the sphere.
It appears to me that the freeway happens to be a border between maps that probably have difference sources and therefore different resolutions.
My guess would be that the spheres are either a digital artifact or some sort of foreign matter at the very edge of the image. As opposed to alien craft from the planet Zontar…
I think some dumb idiot jerk was throwing aerogel at the satellites. That’s what I think.
As many would guess, light does not follow a straight line in a gaseous medium. This creates an effect (especially at a great distance) that results in a murky, transparent haze around objects. Take the anomoly photographed (by airplane) near the edge of a forest. Notice how the southernmost edge is cut off? This is due to the fact that the trees are highly offset from the surrounding elevation. (this is not observed in other areas since the difference in distance from the airplane to ground and buildings/trees is relatively too small to see this effect– it is assumed, as the resolution would suggest, that the plane was particularly low here, making the difference in distance from plane to ground and plane to trees relatively large) .Judging from the proportional thickness and transparency of the cornea around the solid medium of the anomoly, this object is not an “object,” but a mist of condensation created by a rapid depressurizaton of a socket of air directly below the plane. In military photography, this anomaly is frequently observed: as a plane (especially large, bluntly streamlined carrier service planes or long distance photography planes) travels through the air, sockets of high and low pressure air follows it as a result of innate imperfections in aerospace design. Simply stated, turbulance creates air to compress/decompress. As we all know, gasses cool upon depressurization. the rapid depressurization of atmospheric gas results in a rapid cooling, forcing suspended water vapors to instantaneously condense (snow producing machines use much the same effect–low pressure created by a fan with small nozzles feeidng atomized water into the colder stream of low density air). This theory finds further support in the fact that the sockets of turbulance-tossed air are found in lines. This means that they formed under the aircraft at different times along its straight flight path.
Humans can’t seem to learn from their own inventions – they report sightings of UFOs which invariably are very brightly lit up. Our own spacecraft have few or no lights at all, and our lunar module landers certainly didn’t. As if ET will like to advertise its presence in an alien world so blatantly! Further, our scientists claim to be sending alien civilizations signals in the hope that they will recognize them and contact us, so that we may extend a “hand of friendship to our neighbours”. If ET has been following the movements and mindset of humans, they would know that humans can’t even be friends with themselves, their environment and even those animals around us who we condescendingly call ‘lesser creatures’. ET would certainly not risk making friends with such a vile, destructive, egotistical, undependable race of beings.
You are not the boss of me! I will light up my ship in any way I please, whenever and wherever I please. Monkey Brain.
The comment about no shadow on the ground is erroneous, at this height, the shadow, if there is one, could be far off to one side, and who knows what angle the sun is at. It is interesting to note that they very much resemble the famous “Foo Fighters” of the great wars, an anomoly reported by the best trained obsevers out there, Military Fighter Pilots. I believe that since Google, for now at least, is still in the public forum, that these uncensored pics simply re-enforce what NASA, The Hubble telescope, and many Mars pics are showing us and hiding from us: Clear cut evidence of someone unearthly out there. NASA keeps doing a lousy job of covering up their “airbrushing” of Mars and Moon pictures (especially the Clementine missions pics), and when uncensored technical observations are recorded, thse anomolies show up all over the world. Sadly I predict some branch of government is already seeking to quash this type of info.
hey…so following the idea that there may be more wierd stuff on film that is already out there…i randomly googled Mexico City, Mexico and just looked around for awhile….you will have to convert this to the satellite setting…but there are some Really bright lights…i would say saucer shaped and the biggest has what looks like a beam shooting out of it into a house….whatever it is it is cool…you might have to really look for it….it directly to the left of a soccer field by about a block…they don’t have the street names on the google map but here are the coordinates…use the whole thing….View Placemark happy hunting….What do YOU think it is?….
You know planes when they reach the speed of sound, they make an egg-like cloud, as we can see in this photo : http://www.csun.edu/~adg45981/F18_ShockWave.jpg
It can be this too..
this is weird
There’s another UFO, like a pink amoeba, in this Google satellite image near my home. Cannot work out what this is!!
This is the place where you live man
The spheres were laid out in a grid and the will act as relay stations for this. http://members.aol.com/phmikas/infos/blue_.htm