UFO Updates
Wednesday, 18th May 2005 by James Turnbull
Thanks to everyone who commented on the original UFO find, although we're still not sure what they are, there's been some interesting developments.
Ian Pottinger and jher were the first to find that there are in fact eight of these UFOs over Florida, at the following points
One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven - Eight
and Tensus used keyhole to map the points showing that they make a very neat grid.
Yoshino and jher later noticed that the UFOs are not limited to Florida but can also be found over L.A.
One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven - Eight - Nine - Ten - Eleven - Twelve - Thirteen
and Tensus again mapped the points, which appear in an almost straight line.
Things the UFOs are definitely not...
Space debris or another satellite?
Derek & Tensus discovered that the close-up images of Florida are taken by AerialsExpress.com at an altitude of 17,500 feet so are aerial photos and not satellite images.
Marks added to obscure famous peoples homes?
While there's no doubt the whitehouse photos were processed for security it is very unlikely these UFOs are intentional 'cover-ups' due to the neat grid layout.
Water towers?
The UFOs are just too big to be water towers (and there's no shadow).
Anomaly produced by the stitching software?
Shi Ju says
Definitely they’re NOT marks for picture stitching. In most stitching software (like for making panoramas) the algorithm comes down to finding sharp and contrasting details and aligning those spots with each other.
Things the UFOs still could be...
An alien spacecraft?
It's still possible!
A weather balloon?
Tm says
The "Grid" is centered around an airfield, common launch points for weather balloons.
Although Klem says
All currently used radiosonde devices (weather balloons) are latex, yellowish beige to transluscent
and Jello adds
The object in question here does not cast a ground effect, therefore does not exist in the air.
A 'lenticular' cloud?
Patrick was the first to float this idea and the images he posted do look similar to the UFOs, although it is unlikely clouds would form in neat grids.
Condensation on the lens?
Possibly the current forerunner for most likely explanation, Stuart said...
Condensation inside some sort of housing would be my guess. If the drop were directly on the lens it would be effectively invisible. Put it a few inches/feet away and have the camera shooting with a very deep depth of field (as you would with a small aperture) and it would look just like that anomaly.
Something else?
Possibly one of: Peppermint, baseball, Vogon ship, crop circle, planet, thumbtack, ballbearings, smoke, pond, swamp gas, golf ball, satellite, flying ninja, space junk or contact lens as others have suggested!
well, it’s definetly a flying ninja
Robin van Spaandonk… that proves nothing.
the google is a watermarked. if you look, ALL of the google watermarks have transparency to them.
they put that layer of all the logos ontop, and voila!
it just so happens it landed on part of the orb in the picture, and since the background is so abstract, it comes in clearly.
Hello, are there lakes at these places ?
View Placemark
I think these things should be called Goo-F-O’s. 🙂
In reference to the following post…
mountain jack Says: June 8th, 2005 at 10:05 pm
I found an artifact, that is if nobody else noticed it. Of concern now is spheres and commas showing up in Google Maps. However, in the links provided by mountain jack, there is a sphere in the Google Maps link (as known) and a comma in the Keyhole map!
Here is the sphere… View Placemark
The comma is in the river, by the bridge, of this keyhole screenshot… http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v81/Veto1024/keyhole.jpg
I didn’t see it mentioned, so I wonder if it is of any importance…
NEW ORBS! – This time Peru, Nazca desert.
Unfortunately not in high res, but you can see a number of them.
View Placemark
These are less convincing due to the lo res:
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I’m a ufo buff, but i would have to say these are condensation droplets on the lens of the camera. To say that a UFO would be dumb enough to hover between a major city, and an airplane at 17,500 feet is dumb.
I’ve seen an actual UFO about 10 years ago. Something i will NEVER forget and opened my eyes to what is really out there. To the disbelievers, if you ever have the insanely good luck to witness a UFO you will understand.
Here’s an interesting photo from the Mars Global Surveyor: http://ida.wr.usgs.gov/fullres/divided/m15012/m1501228a.jpg
I’m sure it’s a natural formation but it does look a bit like a goo-f-o.
Guys I found the SOLUTION to this problem. I read it in Laputan Logic’s blog. It’s actually low-orbit robot sentinels deployed by Google! to map the area:
Doesn’t accept pic links? Here’s the picture of the orb.
I found a more significant sphere than Papapenguin’s ones. There is a BLUE sphere on the archeologic site of Nazca !!!
Not in high res…, but that seems to be the same thing as in Miami or Los Angeles.
Is there somebody to explain that ??? Isn’t it necessary to draw an assessment from all these discussions after these new discoveries?
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Back to square one:
These white objects are surveillance craft from another world. They are piloted by the Greys. The greys are bio genetic engineered beings that serve a higher purpose.
Alien abductions have been going on from the beginning of civilization, and these orbs, are part of the ongoing genetic experiment between our race and extraterrestrial civilizations, helping Homo Erectus move onto Homo Sapiens, and from Homo Sapiens to Homo Universalis.
The Intergalactic Federation is HERE in PEACE. Klatu Barada Nikto
Please, let us remain with the facts (PHOTOS) and leave side the great and smoky theories…
Some of you might get a kick out of this explanation provided by Andrew and Robert over at MuggleNet.com: http://www.ccel.org/a/aquinas/summa/SS/SS040.html
What we are seeing is actually evidence of evil muggle-baiting wizards who have made random points Unplottable, just to drive us crazy (and the votes are in – it’s working).
Google, Why not take more pictures of different areas with the lense and if the Unidentified Objects still appear in the same space relative to the other pictures then its rather likely its condensation since it would be in about the same position in relation to the lense.
They could also be a mirror effect. I’m not an expert or anything on apperture, topology, or photographic technology but it looks like that kinda blurring coulda been caused by a kinda mirror effect like glare from the sun. Perhaps a solar pannel? Perhaps it is just some kind of weird side effect from pasting all the images together into a coherent map. It happens…its technology.
Eh still… thatd be awesome if it was a UFO…
That’s my Katamari! I was busy getting drunk with my wife and I just threw it down to earth. Roll it up!
And here is where the aliens are going to stop for a while….
View Placemark
all of them are centered perfectly….so easy to see…
Obviously, those are missile launching zones, there is always a huge terrain besides without any house, there is a lake, a dump zone…
Too near to Old Cuban missiles…
what about planes over match 1?
Are you stupid or what? They are just parts that for one reason or another cannot be shown. In Madrid, Spain, the house of the king is covered by your “strange flying pans”… Imagine why?
Sois todos unos putos frikis d mierda, eso son gilipollezes de tontos k se aburren y komo los yankis os aburris mucho pues sois todos muy tontos. Menos mal k no ay extraterrestres pork si no los bombardeariais en nombre de la paz, no?. Cerdos gringos m kago en vuestra puta madre k es kalva y eskonde una sorpresa pork por las noxes el k muerde la almohada es vuestro viejo. Y ahora komo sois subnormales y no abreis entendido nada k no sea en ingles me voy a kagar en vuestros muertos y multiples kosas mas aprovexando k sois retrasaos mentales. Bien gringos de mierda, ijos d puta, k no sois mas k unos putos gordos descerebraos, eso si kon muxo miedo, a los terroristas, a los negros y a kualkier kosa k joda vuestra puta sociedad, k si los negros t roban y son muy malos, k si los terroristas lo son mas, putos yankis, kon todo el miedo k teneis a todo komo os podeis ver komo los guardianes d la libertad, ijos d puta, a ver kuantos niños afganos o irakis tienen aora la libertad d ir a jugar al futbol sin temer ser kosidos a balazos por los defensores d la paz, antes en kambio estos niños si podian ir a jugar, pero klaro estaban siendo esklavizados por el mismo satan, abia k liberarles. No kiero decir nada sobre la aktuación de los israelis kon palestina y vuestro apoyo a esas aktuaciones. Kon esto no kiero decir k los antiguos gobernantes fueran angelitos, pero estos paises estan muy lejos de vuestra kerida amerika, el mundo se os keda grande, meteos en vuestros asuntos y nadie se metera en los vuestros. K agusto me kedao.
The blue part is a reflection of the sky and the white is a reflection of the clouds
Despite it would be great they were UFO’s, the most logical reason is that are marks created for hid important places. Think a while… If they were UFO’s why haven’t seen it before? they’re smarter don’t?it would be very idiot to reveal on a simply searcher as google xD. People who lives near that spots, may post and told everyone who is hidden beyond that spots.Then all conspiracy theories will loose their meaning
hmmm… maybe its a hype scheme, so that people will check out the google maps beta. word of mouth
Están aquÃ. No hay duda. Es una prueba irrefutable. 😉
Hm, sounds interesting. I’m don’t know what is this, but I’m thinking that Aliens can’t be stupid. Nobody, who’s normal(from another planet), can’t give us a pleasure to see him… But if Aliens will kill us all, I’m sure that they will started from our powerful and greatful America. Just like in these stupid Science-fiction films 😉
You’re all nuts 🙂
Ever notice that there are very few clouds in the images. That’s because they select images where the skies are clear then go back and overlay them over the cloudy images. When these clear images are overlaid the edges are feathered out. When 4 clear images are overlaid over 4 cloudy images you get “fringing” in the tangent where the 4 come together.
What you are seeing is essentially a hole in the images, with feathered edges, where you can see the older cloudy images underneath. This stitching happens in a grid. This is why the anomalies appear to be regular.
That is all. Relax.
jodidos yankis es un puto ovni de mierda ke os va a conquistar y os va a joder a todos cabrones
nos van a invadir !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Spain Power
search “area 51” buscar area 51
suerte que tenemos a will smith que nos salvara de esos extraterrestres malos malotes… yankis pringaos, ojala os tiren un pepinazo estelar y os vallais a tomar por culo… ala wapos 1besito….
I don’t know why some spanierds are so proud of american people, or “yankis” as we call them. TÃos, tan resentidos estáis que desahogáis vuestro estúpido odio ovisceral contra aproximadamente 200 millones de personas en un foro de google? Anda y que os jodan paletos, asà está nuestra querida “Spain”. Hay que joderse, ojalá vengan todos los chinos y se vaya todo a tomar por culo. Yo, a aprender chino. Obviously, the States won’t stay for long with all those people who desire to destroy it all.
The Human Race will not survive unless people learn to live and love one another…
The Intergalactic Federation is coming in PEACE
wtf is this?? View Placemark
puto el que lee esto!!!, son todos una manga de putos
city of Guadalajara witnessed undoubtely the most spectacular UFO fleet sighting in known history
vayanse todos pa la verga partida de locos
hello everyone,i’m a chinese girl.i’m very interested in ufo or sth like this,i believe that there must be some “human-being”in out space.we want to konw them and they want to know us too,right?Tks googlemap and tks the boy who show me the picture.
hi, I’m spanish and I not that to believe, but i found this in the map:
View Placemark
the truth is out there, but which is the truth?
Yo iba en mi nave espacial volando por florida cuando notè que me sacaron una foto… Soy el de la derecha de la casa que tiene pileta.
yo pienso k las manchas son las corridas que he ido dejando por el mundo muchas gracias
One thing that I noticed and as far as I read in this orum nobody mentioned, is that almost all of these spots look very similar. Does this mean that only one race of aliens is watching us? Does it mean there is only one model of UFO shared by all possible races ‘ who come and visit us ‘ ? Not for me. Except or this picture I found mentioned in this forum View Placemark they are all the same. I therefore conclude they are not spaceship but something else. What else I don’t know, but definitely not spaceship – unless we start finding different spots.
ivan – thats pretty interesting. !! I had a boo around the area .. where is this ?? and check out this little compound — View Placemark
So i had to look into this a bit more… http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/africa/libya_pol93.jpg looks like its Jalu, there seems to be alot of oil fires in that area and cool looking compounds here and there
here’s some more of those central-pivot irrigation wheels at al-kufrah, libya.
View Placemark
Some people have been conspiracy-theorizing with this pic View Placemark These ‘dots’ are undoubtly sedimentation tanks used in water purification such as these (empty and seen from inside) http://www.water-technology.net/projects/sulaibiya/sulaibiya2.html and the sketch found here under ‘continuous mode’ http://ces.iisc.ernet.in/entoergy/water/paper/drinkingwater/simplemethods/technologies.html And this water goes to this structure View Placemark Following the road to the north and then west along the coast you will find more tanks and a small city – so these tanks are not in the middle of nowhere.
Gus, those aren’t wastewater tanks, they are irrigation wheels. And they are in the middle of nowhere, i.e. the sahara desert. Libya is undertaking a huge water transport network to bring water from acqufers deep in the sahara to the population centers on the mediterranean sea. The project is called the “great man-made river.” The water is also used to grow crops in the desert using center-pivot irrigation wheels nearly a kilometer in diameter. A well drilled in the center of each circle supplies water to a rotating series of sprinklers. That’s what we see in Ivan’s url south of Jalu, and in the url I referenced near Al-Kufra (aka Al-Jawf). Here’s an example of what I’m talking about.
ASMODEUS718 you put this link View Placemark and if you zoom the map you can see this text RMK TOP15 145841 in a first view i belive said BMK TOP15 145841, i make a google search but google said “you mean RMK……..” so i check again and its correct, but the search dont show nothing, but why google recognize that??? very weird
i tink about:
because google no say anything about.
hasta el mausan ya hablo de esto, que diablos es y porque solo sale en california.
JaSoN Sociedad del cisma team
In Madrid (Spain) we also have ufo’s View Placemark