Ciudad Juarez
In the city of Ciudad Juarez , Mexico (just east of the Uffington White Horse) is this large type painted on the side of a mountain. The text reads "CD Juarez, La Biblia es la verdad. Leela." which translates to…
Apologies for the downtime today, we've been experiencing some er... difficulties with the server. We're back now, but not quite up to speed, so you may find some issues with comments pages (amongst other things). We'll let you know when…
FAQ Update
Just a quick heads-up to let anyone interested know that we've updated the FAQ page with a bit more information about how the zoom level works on Google Maps. Many thanks to Ryan Jonasson and gIMpSTa for the information. There's…
Swing Bridge
Check out this cool Swing bridge caught mid-swing in Little Current, Ontario. Thanks: Didier
The Edison Memorial Tower
The 131 foot tall Edison Memorial Tower marks the original site of Thomas Alva Edison's original labs in the Menlo Park section of what is now Edison Township in New Jersey, USA. The tower is topped by the world's largest…
Yellowstone National Park
Lots of things to see here in Yellowstone National Park, it's just a pity we can't see any of the grizzly bears, wolves, or free-ranging herds of bison and elk! First up is the world famous Old Faithful Geyser, it's…
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