Size Matters
Tuesday, 19th July 2005 by Alex Turnbull
This isn't a sight I'm afraid, just a quick update... Has anyone else noticed that Google have finally put a scale on their maps? 😀
Update: Yup, sorry it appears I missed the boat. There's an article over on Scavengeroogle about it already 🙂
Update 2: Oops. Googlemapsmania had it first, and apparently we told them about it! Who knew? However, a comment on this post points something very cool out. Tobin said:
did you notice that if you're looking at the initial view (the entire US), when you scroll around the map, the scale changes? I assume it's because the curvature of the earth.
Try it out, it's cool!
Didn’t notice until you brought it up. Those guys are SNEAKY! 😉
old news! I noticed that just after the Manta Ray post! Something I have just discovered (maybe new too), is that Japan is now fully integrated with vector/road maps – all in Japanese! it’s cooool!!
Re the Japan maps — I wonder how much McDonald’s is paying Google? If you zoom in you can see Golden Arches icons… 🙂
I’ve not found a M yet, but here’s one of the
OK, here’s some McDonalds
And I got quite a shock when I saw just how big the Yangtze Three Gorges Dam construction site really was !