Ship Rocket Thing?

What kind of ship is this? It seems to be using a very strange propulsion system, which makes it look like a cross between a ship and a rocket! On further investigation I found another one to the west, and…

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Friday, 21st October 2005

Casa Grande Ruins National Monument

This is the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, a few kilometres east of my last post, in Arizona. The monument consists of the ruins of multiple structures constructed by the Hohokam, farmers who lived here from the early 1200s. In…

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Thursday, 20th October 2005

Casa Grande Copper Mine

Most of the mines which people submit are in low-res, but here's one which isn't. This is an abandoned open pit copper mine in Casa Grande, Arizona. Can't imagine why they abandoned it... I mean, that hole isn't nearly big…

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Thursday, 20th October 2005


This is Ilamatepec, the Santa Ana Volcano in El Salvador which erupted at the beginning of the month. It hadn't previously erupted since 1904, and there were reports of lava rocks the size of cars, and villagers fleeing from a…

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Thursday, 20th October 2005

Roadrunner Lake Resort

Just outside of Scottsdale, Arizona, lies this totally bizarre little patch of buildings. Sitting isolated out in the desert, these structures are packed into perfectly regular square... and as far as I can see, for absolutely no good reason -…

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Wednesday, 19th October 2005

The Olympiaturm

The Olympiaturm (Olympic Tower) and the Olympic Park with its stadium were built for the 1972 Summer Olympics. The building's transparent design was apprently inspired by soap-bubbles and dew-covered cobwebs, I don't see cobwebs but the building is quite reflective,…

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Wednesday, 19th October 2005

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