The Berlin Wall
Wednesday, 9th November 2005 by Alex Turnbull
Today, the 9th of November, is the 16th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Not much of the wall still stands, but the largest reamining section is now maintained as the world's largest open air gallery, the East Side Gallery (It's difficult to make out, but it's the bit with the short shadow extending north, see this photo for comparison). Approximately 106 paintings by artists from all over the world cover this memorial for freedom, and you can see them all in this gigantic collage.
Lots more great info on The Berlin Wall and the East Side Gallery over at wikipedia, and there's tons of other things to see in this fabulous city, some of which I'll be posting about throughout today.
Coincidentally this is also the day that Mozilla Firefox 1.0 was first released. Happy 1st birthday Firefox.
Thanks to Russell Stout for helping me locate this.
Sadly, 9 november is also the day when the Reichskristallnacht happened in Germany (1938). Quite a difficult day, no? IMHO, the German national holiday would have been on the 9th if it wasn’t for that. Now it is on the 3th of October, which was when the official reunification of Germany took place (one year later, 1990).