Lomonosov Moscow State University

Tuesday, 1st November 2005 by

Founded in 1755, Lomonosov Moscow State University is the oldest and largest university in Russia. The main building was built in 1953 and stands at 240 metres, making it... (can you see what's coming yet?), the tallest educational establishment in the world.

This place is huge in every sense of the word. For starters, just look at the scale of the grounds, then consider that the university has over 50,000 students* and employs around 24,000 people** and finally... well, just look at it! It's bloody enormous!

More info (as always) at Wikipedia, and there's a tour with some fantastic images at the official site.

P.S. The Moscow State University tower is the tallest of a set of seven towers which Stalin had built in Moscow...

* Students are based at several different campuses
** Figure includes auxiliary staff

Thanks to Sergei Vavinov, Loc, PihTa and Matthew Kehrt.