The Millau Viaduct (Under Construction)

Thursday, 29th March 2007 by

Although in these images it remains unfinished, the most recent image updates have at least allowed us to see what is today, the tallest road bridge in the world - The Millau Viaduct.

Constructed by the Eiffage company (better known for the slightly shorter Eiffel Tower), the Millau Viaduct tops out at a whopping 343 metres, and the traffic travels a terrifying 270 metres above the bottom of the valley.1

millau1.jpg millau2.jpg

In these images you can clearly see the temporary towers erected to enable the positioning of the bridge deck (they show as orange in these images, but they were really red), which dates these images to around early 2004.

Hopefully Google will update this area of France soon, and we can see the viaduct in all her glory!

Thanks to Jan Fabry, Freddie, Alexander Apostolovski, Marc, Patryk and Nick Miners.

  1. The Millau Viaduct doesn't have the highest deck-to-surface clearance though - that honour goes to Colorado's Royal Gorge Bridge which dangles its visitors some 321 metres above the Arkansas River... ↩︎