Half Naked Sunbathing Girls on Google Street View
Thursday, 31st May 2007 by Alex Turnbull
I wonder how these girls feel about being half naked for all the world to see on Google Street View?
Does anyone know who they are?
Update: I've just realised that for most of these Street View sights, you can move down the street a little and change your perspective on things.
This is horrible. I wish our Founding Fathers were here to knock some sense into you. It’s not about these girls, the potential for voyeurism is one of the creep factors. I might mow my lawn shirtless, knowing that a couple neighbors will walk by, 3 will see me from their house, and 4 will drive by and glance over…but being permanently posted at my address on the most popular directions program on the internet? I’m not going to waste my time coming up with scenarios where this is harmful; you may be able to refute any given one, but consider them as a whole…do you have the wisdom sitting there to say that there should be no privacy? People in cities have 10 locks on their doors and big blinds on their windows to keep out the thousands of people who pass by. People in suburban areas let the ten people who pass by, pass by. I personally have large windows in the front of my house, and my neighbors, aknowledging that it’s rude to stare, never look into my house. I am not worried about my neighbors; it’s everyone else in the world.
Those of you who are still for this, please post a link to the StreetView of your house with your post…if there isn’t one, then shut up
Quite obviously these girls were not worried about privacy … else they would have sunbathed in their backyard, rather than in a public park. Neither were the pictures of them taken outside their front door … so the possible harm eludes me as well. For anyone wishing to do harm it is infinitely easier to cruise around in their car and get a current picture rather than snapshots taken months or even years ago by the Streetview car. And all those evil people that live too far away for that: Does ANYONE actually believe they will scope out properties or people on Streetview to then travel there to do whatever nefarious deed they want to commit? Get real.
Tammo: precisely.
Dogwood: Huh? I see you might be saying exactly what I’m saying (that behind your closed doors you feel safe and that’s where you might do what you don’t want everyone to see).
Overall are you saying these girls were uninformed as to the possibility of sunbathing somewhere the cameras couldn’t see them, and they therefore now need an arm of protection after this photo-victimization to prevent them from being seen and recognized by us? Or are you saying that they DON’T require or deserve protection or censorship because they made a choice where the consequences could include photo-recording (whether or not by GE)? I would agree with the latter. I respect them for their self-confidence.
“Those of you who are still for this, please post a link to the StreetView of your house with your post…if there isn’t one, then shut up” I’ve already done that on my own site! It shows nothing that you couldn’t have seen driving down my street on a sunny day last spring.
in my view this survey is not suitable to c picture like this its wasting a time & vr globly busy in our economics so its depened on girls what they wants @what they feel in this position as per picture its very normal for those who r use to to enjoy sunbath its only matter for those who dont like half nack or top less or dressless .
Calm down guys! Nobody can see who they are. And i can also see nothing that anybody else could see on the beach or what. Calm down you stupids
Exactly. Good Work.
Thanks Jay. Well put. AMEN.
What about protection issues? Where people have changed their identities for protection?
If Google went down a private road, then your privacy was “invaded”…
If Google takes a picture of the front of your house, it is not an invasion of your privacy… Anyone can take a picture of your house from the street. There is not protection for views. If you want privacy, close your windows, curtains, shutters, etc. Whether it is 3 people or 3 million people is relevant only to show that you have no privacy–the number just reflects “the public.”
Those girls appear to be clothed in a manner generally accepted for the activity of sun bathing in the U.S. A bit over-dressed by the standards of some countries that are less hysterical about the human form. Why anyone doing something quite normal and mundane in public view, would be upset by that activity being photographed from afar is an utter mystery to me. But if they are upset, and they ask Google to further blur or remove their image, than Google probably should do that. To think that some fundamental violation of ones privacy has occurred here seems like an over-reaction to me.
I noticed that none of you idiots disagreeing with the original comment posted links to the photo of your house. Sam? Speak English. Lester Hunt? How nice of you to mention you actually DID post the link on your website. Which is where exactly? You guys are idiots. This technology is somewhat scary not because half naked girls in public are having their privacy violated (theyre not) but because of the potential for abusing this technology.
If I looked like that, I’d love for my photos to be published! =]
Trouble here is not so much these photo’s but the question where will it end with the rate of tech advancement will we have house view with live video or even house view with infra red capabilities or even live sat view with ultra high res … im not sure if i want the world to see me take a dump ,, go for a piss in my back yard ,, watch my daughter by the pool ,, etc etc fckem this needs to be very thoroughly controlled
you are stupid what’s strange in this;if you find some thing strange in this then you are not mature enough to look at this picture; So you need not access this website
Googlemaps fuzzes out faces, nudity, car license plates and more before they are even uploaded. Stop your whining children.
I forgot to add, they will never have footage of inside your home, nor your backyard. Googles streetview image program was created by a van driving up and down streets with a pole coming out of the top of the van with the camera attached to the top of it while it rotates quickly, taking video footage of it’s surroundings. Hence the name, “Street view” Like I also said, Faces, License plates, and “nudity” are blurred out of the picture. As for people getting you’re address, NO. Impossible. You can only see an address if you input it yourself, even the street signs and house numbers are blurred out. Even me as a 17 year old guy has the reasoning and is capable of doing the research, Please, don’t post useless comments when you really have no idea how the system works. They wouldn’t have the system if it violated personal privacy or could somehow “encourage sex offenders” Silly, at the most.
looks like this one got dubbed over.. the whole photo sequence of that street is empty until you get to the next intersection
oh… and privacy?? “What you don’t want the public to know, discuss or criticize.. you don’t do it in PUBLIC!!”