The Great White Pyramid of China
Monday, 20th August 2007 by Alex Turnbull
Legend tells us that near the city of Xi'an, China, there lies a gigantic white pyramid - far larger than any Egyptian pyramid - that has remained undiscovered for millennia. The story goes that this pyramid is encased in "pure shimmering stone" and "capped with an enormous jewel"...
Despite decades of denial by archaeologists and bureaucrats, the surprising truth of the matter is that whilst no white pyramid has so far been found here - there are pyramids in China!
Believed to be the burial places of various emperors and generals, there are loads1 of these tombs scattered all over this plain. They range in size from relatively tiny to rivaling the Great pyramid of Giza in terms of footprint (although even the largest is only around one third the height of Giza's largest).
Surprisingly, it took until 1994 before these monuments were widely publicised, when German author Hartwig Hausdorf published his book Die Weisse Pyramide, in which he told the story of trying to find the mysterious White Pyramid for himself.
There is a short Wikipedia page on the Chinese Pyramids, but for a really thorough examination of the myth surrounding these monuments, read the report at which includes some ground level shots.
Thanks to Christoph Hoflack and Simon Brennan.
Despite hours of research, I still can't work out exactly how many of these pyramids the are - and reports range between 20 and 100. How many can you find? ↩︎
I was wondering when these pyramids were gonna show up here. These things have mystified me for a while now and I was so excited to find them on GE…very impressive.
i saw them when i went to china last year. apparently them may not be as high as the great pyramids at giza, but a majority of their storage space is underground, making them much bigger.
I think this is one of the most fascinating things there is. I one’s did a remote viewing; it was very difficult, something was constantly blokking; but I saw trucks near the pyramids, removing things. I think this has only be done recently(could be wrong on this). Personly I think this is all alien stuff, seriously. These pyramids have been made with alien technology, they have been cut out with “alien laser”(sorry, I don’t believe we have the correct name:-). Say I’m crazy, go ahead, I don’t mind! You could call these whole region alien! And some people in China too; don’t misunderstand me; I love the Chinese people. These pyramids are a warning for the rest of the world: don’t mess with us, because we have the real stuff, and we have alien technology, that’s very powerfull; so leave those Chinese alone, please.:-) BTW, one thing: do you see those break-lines in the pyramids: what could that possibly mean???
Brahmahum…grass/tree covered mounds of dirt represent “powerful”, “alien technology” that Earthlings should be afraid of??? As Bugs Bunny would say, “what a maroon!”
Keep in mind that in ancient times, these pyramids would have had a different appearance. In fact, it is not impossible that there were other structures in relative proximity that no longer exist.
What of the theory that they are landing platforms for alien craft? Who is to say this is incorrect (as far fetched as it may be)?
Hi, I think “WahooPrince” refers to the Hausdorf pic’s? The new sat. pic’s of Google Maps are quite different aren’t they? I agree with “cody” on the landing platform possibility, but it doesn’t have to be “craft”, could be creatures. I also have a more rational explanation for these pyramides: I think these PYRAMIDES WERE MADE TO END THE ICE-AGE! Anybody thought of that? Greetings from megalithic Drenthe in the Netherlands
its amazing!!!go dj go dj!!!!!!!!
These are Turkic Pyramids which were built by Uighurs thousands of years ago. If you look at their inside carefully and research, you can see that they are Turkic Pyramids.
To Aykut, Turkish people weren’t around thousands of years back.
Turkish people have been around for 13000 years, for your information.
Due to the German researcher Hartwig Hausdorf ( the scientist who took the pics of the Pyramids) there have been Turkic writings and mummies in the Pyramids. And for abou 13000 years Turks have been living at that area, today the Uighurs (Chineese gov. does not let scientists to search that area today) live in that area.If there is a search at there, and if it is true as Hartwing says, if there are Turkic writings at there, that means Günes Dil Kurami (Sun-Language theorem) which is made by Turkish History Centre at the presidence of M. Kemal Atatürk means true. And if it is true, that can make a lot of trouble to China and U.S.A.
Like some of the above comments, I too suspect that these structures are the works of proto-Turks.
Unlike the history we get taught here in the west, the history of Turks is much older and encompasses various civilizations that we have been thinking as different/independent of them. For examples the earliest settlers in Italy, the fore-fathers of the Roman Empire, the Ethruscans have been genetically identified as the same as the people in central asia, Turkistan. Various city-state civilizations like the Trojans are also proven to be a branch of these same people, akin to proto-Turks, and not Hellenic as we are accustomed to think.
Again, recent research into the Hittite, Babylonian and also the languages presented in the stone inscriptions found in northern europe, called the “futharks” are very similar to the ancient Turkish alphabet and are able to be deciphered using ancient Turkish alphabet.
All of this brings further reasoning why the Sun Language Theory needs further study.
The pyramids in ancient Turk lands, now within Chinese borders could be just the tip of the iceberg of an ancient civilization that western historians have overlooked. It is interesting why the Chinese government does not allow research on the pyramids and our western academicians do not pressure China for such research.
Perhaps the history as we know might not be so accurate, perhaps these pyramids in asia point to a cradle of civilization, as hypothesised in the proto-Turkish Sun Language Theory, spreading all over the world, resulting in the Egyptian, Greek and Indo-European civilizations we falsly take as the start of our western civilization.
I recommend those interested to try to source works of Kazim Mirsan, Turgay , Polat Kaya, Turgay Tufekci and Turgay Kurum in english to read some of the works they have done related to this old culture we know so little about, the Turks.
Best Regards, John Smith
These pyramids are well known. Some are important tourist attractions with their own museums. Although the First Emperor’s mausoleum has not been excavated, 598 pits around it have been – 3 of them containing the Terracotta Army. There has been no denial of their existence, that’s a myth. Western archaeologists have known of their existence for a very long time — from The Science News-Letter, Vol. 51, No. 15. (Apr. 12, 1947), pp. 232-233.”The Chinese pyramids of that region are built of mud and dirt and are more like mounds than the pyramids of Egypt, and the region is little travelled. American scientists who have been in the area suggest that the height of 1,000 feet, more than twice as high as any of the Egyptian pyramids, may have been exaggerated, because most of the Chinese mounds of that area are built relatively low. The location, reported 40 miles southwest of Sian, is in an area of great archaeological importance, but few of the pyramids have ever been explored.” Which is no surprise since there had been civil war in China for decades at that time.
To whom it may concern, if you are so very interested in history just look around and find the correct books about it. Hellas made everything concering arts, civilization etc. WE made what you are today. WE made dimocracy. WE are the center of the world in many ways. OUR DNA is the one that still remains the same as much more than 13000 years ago. Just look around and you will find the researches concerning that matter done not by Greeks but many other countries. Beware of what is to come in the near future…. WE will be the ones once again that will save the few that are to be saved…
I have read many of these posts, and it is funny to me that people are more willing to give credit to aliens or the Turks, or any other group than the 1 Group of people that we KNOW started civilization, as we know it, and have pyramids which are older than these pyramids and which are used for the same purpose as these pyramids, and are faced in the same direction, exatcly north, south, east n west. That group is the AFRIKANS!!!!!!!! The acient Kemetic peoples who built the great pyramids! Those people were Black (Negroid, Africoid,_________insert any name for Black Africans) Afrikans, and if you want to know where the ancient pyramids in China, South America, North America, and any other place in the world come from, they are influenced by, and sometimes built by, the Africans of the Nile Valley Region!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, China has an African past! So let’s give credit where credit is due, and credit is due to the Afrikans of the Nile Valley for Spreading their influence throughout the world, thousands and thousands of years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And guess what, tho there were other civilizations around by the time the Kemetic Civilations were sprawling, those Ancient Kemetic peoples have the same ancestors that all of us have. BLACK AFRICANS FROM NUBIA!!!!!!!!!!!
Please, try to prove me wronng, but you wont be able to!
The Chinese ‘pyramids’ are earthen mounds, they aren’t like Egyptian pyramids in any way except that they are bigger on the bottom than the top. There is of course no way to prove they weren’t influenced by the Egyptian pyramids, but there is also no way to prove that they are, and since they are so different… The South American pyramids at Caral are older than the Egyptian pyramids, but I won’t argue that they influence them. Pyramids are simply a logical way to build something relatively tall, they were almost certainly independently invented in some places, inspired by others in other places. Hausdorf was not a scientist, by the way. Tour guide I think.
When people hear ‘Turk’, they immediately think of people from Turkey. Although it is true that they are the descendants of Oghuz Turks of central Asia, I would like to remind you all that the whole Central Asia, including certain territories in China and siberia are Turkic people. There are over 250 million people speaking different Turkic dialects. You can even find traces with mayans linguistically. Anyway, this discussion brought my mind an article of a Russian archeologist who wrote about the legendary birth place of Huns which is Ordos Plateau. Those Russian scientists found out that these Hunnic people were not nomadic as West says. They were settled people and even built pyramids. However, these pyramids were destroyed by chinese who were then trying to push away Huns.
Some say Hellas brought the art and etc and others say Africans built the pyramids and chinese were black. But history tells us that they have been living in the same area for thousands of years without exploring the world around them while Turks travelled thousands of miles around the world and left their seeds almost every corner of the world. Beware you must carry the seed too:)
Just I wanna ask about these pyramids. if they are pyramids with whom they have been builted? and why? what is the documents about this pyramids. I am not in force that they are Turkish Pyramids but I am asking this quesyion to myself! who moved from middle asia to anatolia? and who lived there before B.C 13000. just I wanna ask who has no idea about pro-Turks how they claim that they arent Turkich. if you give me documents about they arent please send me documents. because I have lots documents from( west and east searching). so if u say no why? if u say yes why? lets argue about it? who wins !!!
Obviously this is an alien douch spritcher (I may have gotten the name wrong) and it’s common knowledge that aliens are very large. NASA has repeatedly denied the existance of Transit Warp Alien Technology so as not to scare the general population. Why would anyone believe that alien spacecraft would land on the flat ground?
time and research will show who made these pyramids. but there is one certain fact : they are a part of “human” culture and they belong to all of us. we all have something to learn from it. i also believe that there may be other living organisms in the universe than us but we need to stop underestimating human mind and its capabilities.
why are everyone saying it is turk? It is located near Xian which has been the capital of many Han Chinese dynasties such as the Qin, Han and Tang
I’m Turkish. First I heard these pyramids I proud of Turks. But I think no matter who builted them, the precious subject is “WHAT’S THERE IN THEM?”. Chine have to let us to know, learn the mysterious about them. I have many doubts; a houndred pyramid shaped objects that built on a quite smooth land are making me so curious. And Chine dont say anything about them and trying to hide them with earthen, trees. If there are precious thing, why they sew trees on it. I think thats a crime, because these things are older than Giza pyramids and Mayas’. We have no idea about how the pyramids made maybe if we analyze them we can get more knowledge about pyramids. One more reason that making curious is why Chine banned this region but built towns (you can see houses by google earth) and farming near them. I think Chinese scientists analyzed them and learned the pyramids dont belong Chinese culture, so they decided to hide them from other peoples.
As a result; I want to learn what these objects got inside ’em, not important for me which folk built ’em. I think we need to go into ’em to learn how the pyramids maded all around the world, at least we can get a little hint.
I am sorry but these are definitely NOT Turkic things. These kind of “Pyramids” are built by Chinese around 200 BC to 200AD. The largest one is for the first emperor of Qin. That one also buried lots of terracotta warrior. In Chinese historic records, many ancient books also recorded HOW and WHEN and WHICH EMPEROR had built these pyramids. The farmers live around those pyramids also know these are the tombs for those emperors for thousands of years. People in China just didn’t notice these tombs shaped like pyramids at all, because these tombs don’t look like pyramids if you are looking at it on the ground, because they are not as high as those in Egypt. These tombs look like pyrmids only in the air, and that’s why people found these “pyramids” so late.
The Chinese don’t call them pyramids, that’s a Western name. There were huge purges of books at various times, so we are missing much of what was written about the burial places of Chinese emperors. Fortunately we still have the writings of the historian Sima Qian who wrote in some detail about the First Emperor’s tomb, which he says took 700,000 men to build.
Nicole, you are right! The pyramids are indeed built by Chinese people. In the area were the pyramids are has ruled the Shang dynasty 1600 to 1027 B.C. It is not clear that the pyramids were built in that time. The proto-Turks were the Hittites they have ruled in Anatolia (not in China) in the 18th to 8th century B.C.
İf all those pyramids are Chinese..why China Country hiding? why there are forbidden area? why country not opening there for touristic as egypt? why any chinese cant read what s writing there? so..if it s Chinese or Turkich or indian or Chine govements must give permission to search it.. in the world there are many professors to search it..and then only we can understand who created it.. so..i believe Turkich pyramids
China isn’t hiding anything, tourists can visit and do visit, there is nothing there the Chinese can’t read, the region isn’t banned, etc. Ancient Chinese texts even mention some of them. China sends exhibitions around the world about one. Some have been excavated, others not – excavation destroys what you are excavating and it is often better to protect a site until scientific advances insure you can get every bit of knowledge possible out of an excavation with the least destruction. Lots of clearly Chinese artefacts have been found where they have excavated.
pls. read about turkish history. turkish history is not only today’s turkish country or turkish people. don’t afraid from turks. cause theirs history is source of the todays life…
Why people want to believe a travel agent and writer about flying saucers (Hartwig Hausdorf) over the real scientists and Chinese historical texts is belong me. There is NO evidence that these are Turkish. Loads of evidence that they are Chinese. Some were only built about 1200 years ago.
well there is a saying that chinese scientist researched some of the bodies inside and they found out that they are not from their race. well the truth is u guys just have to read the turkish history carefully. when u study in it carefully u will see that the ruler of those places was the big empire of turkish people from 15.000 B.C. to 3000B.C. the chinese scientists said that this pyramids or whatever it is made in 4500B.C. so u can understand who made those buildings PLS DONT THİNK THAT TURKİSH PEOPLE ALWAYS LİVED İN WHERE THEY ARE NOW AND TURKİSH PEOPLE DONT VE ONLY 1 COUNTRY İN THE WORLD JUST READ SOME BOOKS AND YOU LL SEE THE REAL POWER OF TURKS
Give me strength. There are some mummies in what is now western China that are not ‘Chinese’. Those are the ‘Tarim’ mummies, look them up. They have nothing to do with the Chinese ‘pyramids’ which are really burial mounds/Mausoleums. No archaeologist or scientist has ever said that any of these structures were older than the 3rd century BCE, certainly not 4500 BCE. And there was no empire of any kind dated 15000 BCE (when people weren’t even living in villages, let alone cities) to 3000 BCE. I’d be fascinated to find out where people are getting these ideas/dates, they seem to be pulling them out of thin air.
Regardless of who their builder was, it is quite fascinating that there were pyramid looking man-made sculptures out there that I was not aware of.
I would not be surprised if they are indeed built by Turks though
I certainly need to read more about them.
to Doug Weller: You wrote” Tarim mummies” and Tarim is a Turkish word still used by millions of Turkish people. As it is writen before Turkish people lived in asia for thousands of years and there is a possibility that these pyramids might be Turkish. Even though it is not known much, Turkish people did mummies before they chose Islam.You can see some of them in city of Amasya. i hope to learn more details about this pyramids
Turkish people live in area from the north-east Russia to Anatolia.People who you called “Turkish” are actually “Turkey Turkish”.People who you called “Kazakh” are “Kazakhstan Turkish”.Azerbaijani, Uzbek,Turkmen, Yakutsk( they live in north east Russia) and Uigur( people who live in west China) people are TURKISH.In Russia, near the border between China and Russia there are “Old Turkic scripts (Orhun)”.They say about the Turkish states which were in that area.So Turkish people used to live there and the pyramids was made by Turkish.
The ‘pyramids’ (which are mainly earthen mounds covering tombs) are in Eastern China — here:
Hardly anywhere near any ‘Turkish states’. As I thought I’d made clear, the Tarim mummies have nothing at all to do with pyramids, they were found in cemeteries in the Tarim basin, which is here:
No where near the Chinese ‘pyramids’.
You’ll understand what a great nation of Turks…
If you search “Büyük Hun Devleti” ( it was one of the Turkish states), you’ll get what i meant.That state used to be from Japanese Sea to Caspian Sea and from Tibet to Lake Baikal.So it used to have those two city. .If u look at that map, you can see Turkish states.And the orange one had the area where Turks lived and the pyramids are.There’s one thing to need to be told i think.The great chinese wall was built because chinese people were afraid of Turks ( orange state in the map).And to protect themselves they did it.
Dear people, as u know or not, the great civilizations starts with central asian ancient turks,.. who made those white pyramids,? Ancient Turks… at the beggining they(ancient turks) were living in th central asia, there was great civilization,they made pyramids and they made emigration to the west, to the aegean sea islands and found Atlantis and Grete civilizations in that island,Atlantis island was in aegean sea not atlantic ocean, they were in relation with ancient egypt, they teach them how to build pyramids,as u know scientists found Phaistos Disk in Grete,with the full of hieroglyph signs, and they tried to decode these signs with greek or any indo-europian languages and failed,finally they decode it,wich language u guess, tatar turks language,in ancient ages there happened big volcanic eruption,thera eruption which destroyed atlantis island,some of anlantis people moved to the america before eruption, Mayan learned from them about pyramids, and also central asian turks were founders of Troy,… after that rome by aenias, and others…. as u know Anatolia was turks lands even and after,,,, This is a true History of human civilizations :)))
There is no any Aliens(they are just western tales) but Central Asian Ancient TURKS…
Please a little bit search to history, after then speak what you know about Turks… Turks are closed one ages to other ages… You can travel from europe to japan by speaking Turkish.. And these pyramids what is written on walls is the Turkish writings.. And the history will not be changed by the what you are thinking.. Because its already done… A little bit search and read about Turkish history… Turkish history older than what you know… The history is beginning with Turks…
History starts with Turks, everybody will learn this soon or late. But will..
There is nothing written on the walls of the Chinese ‘pyramids’. Where does all this fiction come from?
Dear commenters, thank you all for taking the time to visit our site, however we have no idea why you’re all arguing about these pyramids. I am hereby closing this comment thread.