Island and Lake Recursion (Island Week 2)

Monday, 3rd September 2007 by

(It's the last day of Island Week 2 here at GSS, which means we're almost done with posting about islands. And it's lasted about a week.)

Manitoulin Island in Ontario, Canada is officially the world's largest island that is located within a lake.

That's pretty simple, but within the island there are an additional 180 lakes...

Within one of those lakes, Mindemoya Lake (to be precise), is the largest island, in a lake, on an island, in a lake (in the world). Still with me?

But we've missed out a step! On the island of Sumatra in Indonesia we find Lake Toba, and its principal island of Samosir - which at 630 square km is easily the largest island, in a lake, on a island.

After Samosir, the second largest island within a lake is Glover Island, which is in the Grand Lake on the island of Newfoundland.

However, Glover Island's largest lake also has many islands, of which the largest is about 2 acres. This tiny, unnamed island is therefore the largest island, in a lake, on an island, in a lake, on an island!

Unfortunately, it has no lakes in which we might find further islands. 😀

Seeing as it's island week, we've left out many additional facts about the largest lakes found on islands (some of which are larger that the lakes containing islands we've mentioned here) but I think this post has been confusing enough!

Wikipedia: Manitoulin Island, Samosir & Glover Island

Thanks to Dee, kejoad, Daryl, Chris W, Boing boing, and World Island Info.