World’s Largest KFC Logo

Friday, 16th November 2007 by

This gigantic image of the KFC Colonel was constructed from 65,000 1-foot-square tiles laid out in the Mojave desert.

The advert took six days to construct, and was announced to the public almost exactly a year ago. However the images were not available on the Google Earth default layer until now.

As part of the publicity stunt it was widely claimed that this was "the first logo to be visible from space". Of course, regular readers (and owners of our book) will be well aware that this is a complete pile of utter nonsense.

For the truth about the first, and largest logo visible from space (or not, depending on how you define "visible" and "space") see our post on the subject from last year.1

Thanks to Rhodri Metcalfe Davies.

  1. Note however that this image of the KFC logo is owned by DigitalGlobe, meaning that what we can see here was in fact taken by a satellite. ↩︎