Desert Week 2010
Only one week late, today marks the return of the much-more-interesting-than-it-sounds desert week! If you're unfamiliar with the concept, then prepare yourself for a week of posts based in areas that, er… receive extremely low amounts of precipitation. We previously…
Wow! That’s a LOT of cars!
Check out all of these white cars parked on an airfield in Green Cove Springs, Florida! GSS reader Jon who sent us this sight thought the all-white cars might be hidden UN vehicles stashed behind trees at a US airbase.…
Exploring Hong Kong with Google Street View (Part 2)
In our previous exploration of Hong Kong, we looked at how a map of Hong Kong doesn't give you a good sense of the city's terrain. There are lots of islands, lots of hills and mountains, scattered neighbourhoods, and plenty…
Google Sightseeing v3 (beta)
Do not adjust your internet devices - you may (or may not) be seeing our brand new design for 2010! We're doing some testing of the new design before a full launch, so if you are seeing our new design…
World Cup 2010 South Africa
The 2010 FIFA World Cup begins Friday in South Africa, with 32 national teams competing for football's crowning glory. As the first African nation to host a World Cup, South Africa has constructed or upgraded ten stadiums at a cost…
Exploring Hong Kong with Google Street View (Part 1)
Hong Kong is one of those places that is known for its skyline, its unique topography—and for being the most prominent example of a colony handed back to its government. If you've never been there (as I haven't), it's hard…
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