The Oberbaum Bridge
Just to the south of the East Side Gallery, is the really cool looking Oberbaumbrücke, or Oberbaum Bridge, which at the time this photo was taken, seems to have two bright yellow metro trains crossing it. In fact, there's also…
The Berlin Wall
Today, the 9th of November, is the 16th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Not much of the wall still stands, but the largest reamining section is now maintained as the world's largest open air gallery, the East…
Outback Oasis
Somewhere in the Australian outback, someone has built an odd little oasis. Why on earth have they done this? Where does the water come from? How do they stop it from drying up? Who built it? Most importantly, why am…
4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42
Unless you've been hiding under a rock, then you'll have heard all about everyone's favourite show, 'Lost'. And if you're a fan, then you'll know that the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42 are of great significance. So…
Red Mud Dam
Near Gladstone in Queensland, Australia is a gigantic, bright-orange lake known as Red Mud Dam. Although the explanations I found were a little confusing, it seems that the colouring is due to residue formed through the process of extracting aluminium…
Chess Anyone?
Here's the perfect location in northern Idaho for the world's largest game of chess. I imagine that pieces to fit the board might set you back a bit though... Thanks to DDA and Brad.
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