Volcano Week 5
First launched in 1905 (give or take a hundred years)1, Google Sightseeing's well established annual Volcano Week returns again for 2010, with a whole week of posts dedicated to the explosive ruptures in the surface of our planet. In past…
New GSS design launched!
After what feels like months of work1, we've finally launched our brand new design for Google Sightseeing (14 weeks after we originally planned to launch it, on our 5th birthday). Today we're very proud to bring the new design to…
45° Imagery Launched On Google Maps
Today Google have released a new kind of aerial imagery in Google Maps, which features images using a 45° angle; similar to Microsoft's Bird's Eye imagery. Previously available in select US locations to users of Google Maps Labs, the angle…
Internet fan says he found the face of Satan using Google Earth
INTERNET fan Luther Blissett told yesterday how he found the ANTICHRIST - on Google Earth. The 26-year-old recognised the image of the Devil as he trawled the map site looking for Pagan holiday destinations. The horned beast Lucifer can be…
Localised Black Hole Discovered
As we all know, the general theory of relativity states that a black hole is a region of space from which nothing can escape – including light. Astronomers have identified lots of places where black holes may exist, but apparently they…
Dessert Week
In Western culture dessert is a course that typically comes at the end of a meal, and usually consists of of sweet food. Common desserts include cookies, pastries and ice cream, although the ice cream isn't normally this big. Desserts…
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