Osborne’s Bull
Here you can see the shadow of one of Spain's famous Osborne bull signs. The Osborne sherry company placed these huge silhouettes of their logo on hills near major roads throughout Spain, and although there was a law passed which…
Mac Google Earth Released!
Well I really should know better. The moment I mention the fact that Google Earth hasn't yet been released for the Mac... I discover that Google Earth has just been released for the Mac. For all of you who, like…
Kastellet, Copenhagen
This is the 341-year-old Kastellet in Copenhagen, Denmark - one of the best preserved fortifications in Northern Europe. King Christian IV originally had the star-shaped island built to house a castle for him to hide in (should the need arise),…
The Dames Point Bridge
It's been a while since we had a good bridge shadow, so here is the Napoleon Bonaparte Broward bridge - more commonly known as the Dames Point bridge, in Jacksonville, Florida. Opened in 1989, the 2 mile long bridge is…
Ocean Plug Holes
Just off the east coast off Spain lies this collection of holes in the Mediterranean. They're used to drain the Atlantic, which allows for regular cleaning of the sea-bed. Honestly. OK, so I have absolutely no idea what they are.…
The Aral Sea
Sandwiched between Kazakhstan to the north and Uzbekistan to the south, this is the dying Aral Sea. Wikipedia says: Since the 1960s the Aral Sea has been shrinking, as the rivers that feed it (the Amu Darya and the Syr…
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