Dog Team, Longyearbyen, Svalbard
Could these be the shadows of one or more dog sleds following old tracks through the snow on Svalbard, the northernmost part of Norway? Unfortunately these are only medium resolution images1 (which disappear in Google Maps if you get too…
Congregating by this water outlet in West Palm Beach is a whole herd of Florida Manatees, a highly intelligent species of aquatic mammals, also known as Sea Cows. The water outlet is actually from an adjacent power plant, and Manatees…
Feeding Frenzy
At first glance this might appear to be a a blurry cloud above the ocean but it is in fact hundreds of seabirds feeding on fish! News of the feast has spread fast, and you can see more birds approaching…
Whale Spotting in Google Earth
There are about 80 known whale species around the globe, the largest of which is of course the Blue Whale, which can measure up to a massive 30m long. Such a giant beast should easily be visible on the aerial…
National Geographic African Megaflyover Project
News has spread across the internet over the last day or two of a "hack" that allows you much more zooming on Google Maps. Unfortunately for all the people who've wasted hours scanning the earth, this is really nothing new.…
Invasion of the Giant Seals
Yes people, there really is an absolutely enormous seal in The Hague, Netherlands. Apparently it belongs to the International Fund for Animal Welfare, and presumably it's designed to so utterly terrify the seal hunters that they're unable to ever again…
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