N’dama Skull
In the desert of Mali, West Africa, we find the skull of an ex-cow, which was captured as part of the National Geographic Africa Megaflyover project. By the look of those horns, I'd say the skull probably once belonged to…
Time Travelling Dinosaurs
It's time travelling time at GSS, and today we're travelling back to the Jurassic, Late Jurassic and the Pleistocene periods, all at the same time! Yes you heard me right, as here in the Plänterwald leisure area, Berlin, we can…
Dolphin Pool
Take your pick from either a pool of dolphins or a dolphin-shaped pool. The image of dolphins in a pool was captured from Google Earth, where you can also clearly make out a crowd gathered round a dolphin at the…
Giant Alien Bug
Holy Cardigans, Batman! There's an absolutely enormous bug in Germany, which is clearly hell-bent on destruction! Run for the hills! At over 50 metres, this bug would be far bigger than the previously posted World's Largest Bug (and a whole…
Crikey, it’s Stingray City!
We feel sure that the undoubtedly great, and now very sadly late Steve Irwin wouldn't blame the stingray that brought about his untimely demise for a single second. In fact we reckon that Steve probably wouldn't want these normally very…
Someone on a Horse
Following on from our elephant and giraffe shadows, here's the rather excellent shadow of someone riding a horse! Thanks to Barði.
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