
New Bridge

The New Bridge, formerly the Slovak National Uprising (SNP) Bridge, is the world's seventh largest suspension bridge and was declared the construction of the 20th century in Slovakia. The globe at the south side provides all the support for the…

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Wednesday, 2nd November 2005

Vincent Thomas Bridge

Spanning the LA Harbour is the Vincent Thomas Bridge. At full zoom the shadow on the striking green water gives a very good detail of the bridge's shape. Thanks: Dan

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Friday, 21st October 2005

Slide & Splash and the Mystery Bridge

Whilst I was in Portugal, we crossed this very pretty bridge, just east of Portimão, on our way to Slide & Splash (I suppose we probably crossed it on the way back too, but I was fast asleep). The thing…

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Tuesday, 20th September 2005

Rio-Niterói Bridge

This is the Rio-Niterói Bridge, which connects Rio de Janeiro with Niterói in Brazil. Built between 1969 and 1974, this gargantuan structure is over 13 kilometres long (8.25 miles) and is a record holder for the size of it's central…

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Wednesday, 7th September 2005

Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina has torn through the United States causing untold damage and horrendous loss of life. Katrina has destroyed the eastern part of the I-10 bridge over Lake Pontchartrain (shown here before it was damaged), flooded 80 percent of New…

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Wednesday, 31st August 2005

Tower Bridge and the Tower of London

Often incorrectly referred to as 'London Bridge', this is in fact Tower Bridge. There's a story which claims that when American entrepreneur Robert P. McCulloch bought the original London Bridge in 1968 and had it rebuilt in Lake Havasu City,…

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Tuesday, 23rd August 2005

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