Kebira Crater
Currently doing the rounds in the mainstream press, this is the recently discovered Kebira meteorite crater in the western desert of Egypt. At 31 kilometers across Kebira utterly dwarfs Arizona's famous Barringer meteor crater (which is only 1.2 kilometres in…
Desert Farming
Check out these bizarre circles of farmland smack-bang in the middle of the Libyan desert. This unlikely-seeming sight has been made possible by the construction of the Great Man Made River, possibly the largest water transport system ever built, consisting…
Black Rock City (Burning Man)
This is the site of Black Rock City, which is built and torn down every year for the week long annual Burning Man festival. Chach says: Looks like this was flown shortly before the festival.. the street grid and intial…
Area 51
By far the most submitted link is to the notorious Area 51. Props go to Andy who was the first of many to point us in the right direction, cheers mate 😀 Travis added: Scroll to the south-west and find…
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