Clipperton Island
Clipperton Island, a remote coral atoll, is a place of mysterious geography with a disturbing history.
The Best Job in the World
Yesterday1 was Australia Day, when each January 26th, Australians crack open some beers and toss another shrimp on the barbie to celebrate their arrival on the world's smallest continent all the way back in 1788. Australia has many wonderful things…
Boblo Island
This huge pavilion and dance hall is the only remaining structure from Boblo Island Amusement Park in Ontario. The Amusement Park was open to the public from 1898 until 1993 and through the years it was home to a number…
Taal (Volcano Week 3)
Taal Volcano is another active stratovolcano, this time on the island of Luzon in the Philippines, and at only 406 metres, it is known as the world’s smallest volcano. Actually Taal's crater has a lake in it... sadly the high-res…
Mount Tambora (Volcano Week 3)
It’s Volcano Week 3 here at GSS, which explains why all of our posts over the course of the week are very likely to be volcano related. Mount Tambora is an active volcano on the island of Sumbawa in Indonesia,…
The Sapphire Mines of Madagascar
In 1998, the tiny truck-stop village of Ilakaka in Madagascar was transformed into a bustling mining town, and one of the most dangerous places in the country. The reason for this dramatic change was the discovery of massive sapphire deposits…
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