Other Vehicles

The Lingotto Building

When it opened in 1923, Fiat's Lingotto Building was the largest car factory in the world. It featured an entirely unique design where raw materials entered on the ground floor, and the cars were constructed on an assembly line which…

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Thursday, 5th July 2007


Judging by the tracks left by this car on a baseball field, it would seem that Washington D.C.'s youth like to liven up their evenings with a spot of light joyriding. Actually on closer inspection it would appear that after…

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Thursday, 28th June 2007

Impossible Railroad

At the beginning of the 20th Century, San Diego needed a fast and reliable rail connection with the east to maintain growth and prosperity. Due to the hostile desert mountains it needed to negotiate on its way to Los Angeles…

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Monday, 25th June 2007

The Nardò Ring

Near the top of Italy's heel, there's a mysterious-looking structure - an absolutely huge circle, 4 kilometres across! You might guess that this is a particle accelerator, but in fact it's a perfectly circular high-speed test track - The Nardò…

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Thursday, 21st June 2007

The Magic Roundabout

Last week I started working in the nearby town of Swindon, where I asked my colleagues about the local sights. The unanimous answer to the best Swindon has to offer was "The Magic Roundabout". It may be saying something negative…

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Monday, 18th June 2007

Planes on a Train

Driving past the small town of Cathcart is a train, carrying the fuselages of 4 Boeing 737 airliners! As the train is passing a road I couldn't turn down the opportunity to reference a classic Steve Martin film, so in…

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Wednesday, 2nd May 2007

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Google Sightseeing takes you on a tour of the world as seen from satellite or street views using Google Maps. Our team of authors present weird and wonderful sights as suggested by readers.

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