Site News

Feedster Top 500 Blog

Wow, we made the Feedster Top 500 blog list. Not bad considering we've only been going four months!

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Wednesday, 17th August 2005

Back In Business

Sorry about the slight downtime there folks. We're back online again with added goodness. I've put the Google Earth links back online with some caching to cut down on the number of database queries. We'll see how this pans out…

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Friday, 12th August 2005


Google have added yet more features to Google Maps :). There is now a new 'Hybrid' button on the maps interface that gives you the satellite imagery with the roads and place names overlaid. Pretty neat! Of course, as we…

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Friday, 22nd July 2005

Size Matters

This isn't a sight I'm afraid, just a quick update... Has anyone else noticed that Google have finally put a scale on their maps? 😀 Update: Yup, sorry it appears I missed the boat. There's an article over on Scavengeroogle…

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Tuesday, 19th July 2005

Google Earth Integration Is Go!

Google Sightseeing is now fully linked up to Google Earth. Every post now has a 'Google Earth' link as well as a 'Map' link. Clicking on the Google Earth link will zoom your copy of Google Earth to any of…

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Tuesday, 12th July 2005

Weeeeeee’re back!

Yay! new server! GgSs is back in effect! Many thanks to the guys at EuroVPS for all their hard work in getting our new box all set up.

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Saturday, 9th July 2005

Welcome to Google Sightseeing!

Google Sightseeing takes you on a tour of the world as seen from satellite or street views using Google Maps. Our team of authors present weird and wonderful sights as suggested by readers.

Like this site? We published a photo book of the best entries, you should buy a copy.