Site News
FAQ Updates
Just a quick heads up to let you know that I've updated the FAQ page. You can now learn how to find the moved 'satellite' link, use the "z" variable to set a specific zoom level, and also how to…
RSS Feed: Oops
The RSS Feed should be back to full text again (it was on "summary" mode for a short while). Thanks to everyone who sent an angry e-mail demanding it changed back 😉
Google Maps Updated
Today Google quietly updated its map service to add high-resolution aerial photography for much more of the globe than the previous limited coverage of North America. New additions include Scotland, Iceland, Kuwait and many, many more. Here at Google Sightseeing…
1st Annual Google Sightseeing Volcano Day!
Today we are proud to present to you, the 1st Annual* Google Sightseeing Volcano Day! Yes that's right, we have an entire day of posts lined up entirely devoted to volcanoes. Please note: This event may not actually occur annually…
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