Street Views
Public Toilets in Japan
Wow, here in the north-west sprawl of Tokyo, when they say public toilet, they really mean it! A glance up at a nearby sign reveals that this is actually a shop window display for a shop selling toilets made by…
Caught Picking up a Hooker?
On first glance it looks like the guy driving this van on the outskirts of Rome has been caught red handed by the Google Street View camera, whilst engaged in the process of attempting to procure the services of…
Street With a View
The residents of Sampsonia Way, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania have gone all out to welcome the visiting Google Street View car. Firstly, they've brought in a marching band for the occasion! Once the band get out the way, we can see that…
Opinions on Google Street View
With the recent launch of Google Street View for Spain and Italy the locals have been debating whether or not they think it's a great mapping tool, or an evil invasion of privacy. This first guy loves Street View, and…
Halloween ’08
Here in the UK there's a lot of dressing up that happens around Halloween, there isn't anything like the kind of mania that seems to possess Americans with regards to dressing up their homes, gardens or anything else that gets…
Kid Crashes Scooter in Epic Moment of Embarrassment
Time and time again we've seen that the moment the Street View car is passing, people have an incredible urge to fall off the mode of transport they're travelling on. As the Street View car drives up 88th Street New…
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