Mystery Egyptian Desert Spiral
Update: Thanks to cowens and others who informed us that this is actually an absolutely massive piece of land art called desert breath. Click through for some images and a way better description than I gave it! What on earth…
Underwater Explosion?
Could these be the waves from an underwater explosion? Found in a lagoon in Acapulco, the circular waves could be caused by any number of different events. However, the waves are about 8m peak to peak, and still can be…
Face of [Insert Your Own Messiah] Found in [Insert Your Own Natural Phenomenon]
Free UK daily paper The Metro published an article last week about a YouTube video1 in which someone claimed to have found the shape of Jesus in a cloud, floating over Mount Sinai in Egypt. We thought this was such…
Planes in Formation?
Initially we thought this was possibly the coolest find ever, but sadly this is not 9 small planes flying in formation over Denmark. No, even better than that, when you look closer it becomes obvious that someone has taken a…
Car Tipping
The urban equivalent of Cow Tipping, the inner-city phenomenon of Car Tipping has begun to spread like wildfire across Germany now that its been spotted on Google Earth... Also see our post on Extreme Parking for more. Via Gearth Blog.
Finally, after years of searching, we've found the Loch Ness Monster! And the reason it has taken so long to find conclusive proof of the monster's existence is we've been looking in entirely the wrong place. You see, rather than…
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