
Flying Frog

I don't really know what to say... this certainly does look like a giant flying frog over Chicago. Any Chicagoans out there with some sort of clue about this floating amphibian? Thanks to J Hamsa.

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Wednesday, 1st February 2006

Mexico City Megapost

Mexico City is the capital city of Mexico and the second largest "Megacity" in the world after the Tokyo area. After centuries of pre-Columbian civilization, Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés first arrived in the area of Mexico City in 1519. He…

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Sunday, 29th January 2006

Ocean Plug Holes

Just off the east coast off Spain lies this collection of holes in the Mediterranean. They're used to drain the Atlantic, which allows for regular cleaning of the sea-bed. Honestly. OK, so I have absolutely no idea what they are.…

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Thursday, 5th January 2006

The Aral Sea

Sandwiched between Kazakhstan to the north and Uzbekistan to the south, this is the dying Aral Sea. Wikipedia says: Since the 1960s the Aral Sea has been shrinking, as the rivers that feed it (the Amu Darya and the Syr…

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Thursday, 5th January 2006

Scientology vault

These two giant inter-locking circles encapsulating diamonds apparently signify the 'secret' location of a huge Scientology vault which has been constructed to protect the writings of L. Ron Hubbard, etched onto stainless steel and stored in titanium cases. According to…

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Monday, 28th November 2005

The Tunguska Event

This orange crescent shaped blur is ground zero of the Tunguska Event. Way out in the Tunguska region of Russia it is where the Tunguska meteor impact is said to have taken place on the morning of June 30th 1908.…

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Friday, 25th November 2005

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