
Tower of Hercules

The Tower of Hercules is the oldest Roman lighthouse in the world and the only one still in operation. Spanish legend has it that one of the many heroes named Hercules battled the giant Gerión on this site, killed him,…

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Sunday, 13th November 2005

Outback Oasis

Somewhere in the Australian outback, someone has built an odd little oasis. Why on earth have they done this? Where does the water come from? How do they stop it from drying up? Who built it? Most importantly, why am…

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Monday, 7th November 2005

4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42

Unless you've been hiding under a rock, then you'll have heard all about everyone's favourite show, 'Lost'. And if you're a fan, then you'll know that the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42 are of great significance. So…

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Saturday, 5th November 2005

Red Mud Dam

Near Gladstone in Queensland, Australia is a gigantic, bright-orange lake known as Red Mud Dam. Although the explanations I found were a little confusing, it seems that the colouring is due to residue formed through the process of extracting aluminium…

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Friday, 4th November 2005


Well this is getting ridiculous... First we had drawing-pins, then scotch tape, and then even more scotch tape. And now? A giant post-it note in Thailand. Told you it was ridiculous. Thanks to DC.

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Tuesday, 18th October 2005

Rusty Tree Drawing?

Can anyone explain why someone has planted this rectangular-ish line of trees outside of Oakland, CA? And while we're at it, what the heck is this? Thanks to Bob (Canadian) Thompson.

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Tuesday, 4th October 2005

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