
Alien Civilization

Brilliant bit of weirdness here... Tom Comeau says: I believe it's winter, and we're seeing snow and ice on the lake surface. But where there's clear water, something very odd is showing through.

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Friday, 10th June 2005

Weird Writing

Somewhere in the middle of Utah we find this giant writing overlaying the photograph (make sure to zoom right in - it's very big). The text reads "40 NAIP03 01026-44" so appears to be a unique tag for that section…

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Wednesday, 8th June 2005

Scotch Tape

Apparently Canada is held together with Scotch tape. Well, who would have thought that! Many thanks to Ben Singleton and Andrew McC.

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Tuesday, 7th June 2005

Black Holes

Finally! We have proof that Google is hiding things from us in Alaska, Mexico and er... New Jersey. Hmmm. Anyway, it's a conspiracy I tell you! Firstly stretching over a large part of Alaska, all the way into the Yukon…

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Tuesday, 7th June 2005

Yellowstone National Park

Lots of things to see here in Yellowstone National Park, it's just a pity we can't see any of the grizzly bears, wolves, or free-ranging herds of bison and elk! First up is the world famous Old Faithful Geyser, it's…

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Saturday, 4th June 2005

Double Missed Bridge

Following on from our previously posted double bridge and missed bridge, Google Sightseeing is proud to present, the double missed bridge! Someone really needs to fire those engineers... 😉 Thanks to alien_alan.

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Friday, 3rd June 2005

Welcome to Google Sightseeing!

Google Sightseeing takes you on a tour of the world as seen from satellite or street views using Google Maps. Our team of authors present weird and wonderful sights as suggested by readers.

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