World’s (second) Largest Football?
Frank over at the Google Earth Blog pointed us to a Giant Football (Soccer Ball for you yanks) in Dortmund, which will be hosting some of the 2006 FIFA World Football semi-finals next month. He suggested it's the world's largest…
Frankfurt Plane Shadows
Until recently only visible in Google Earth, Maps users too can now see this super-cool sequence of aeroplane shadows above Germany's largest airport, Frankfurt International. The first one is the best I think, but it's great how the shadow from…
Berlin Luftbrücke
In 1948 the Soviet Union occupied East Berlin as well as the East German territory surrounding the city, so the Allied controlled West Berlin was completely landlocked by Soviet control. When the Soviets blocked all rail, road and waterway traffic…
Herrenhausen Gardens
The Royal Herrenhausen Gardens comprises of the Grosser Garten, Georgengarten, Welfengarten and Berggarten. I'm not much of a garden expert but apparently the most important movements in the garden arts can be found here: French Baroque, the English landscape garden…
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