The best of Google Maps: Circles, Paintings, and Rude Messages
It's often the simplest things that get the biggest laugh around here, and when we open the GSS suggestion box it's easy to get overwhelmed with small zingers that get a nice chuckle. So that's just what we did for…
Top 5 Busiest Airports of 2011
Spend any time browsing Google Maps or Earth and you'll soon spot an airport - they're usually easy to spot thanks to their massive size. To save you some browsing time, we've put together a brand new list of 2011's…
Naked and Nude on Google Maps
We here at Google Sightseeing pride ourselves on bringing you all sort of fantastic sights from around the globe covering all sorts of topics, but we know where our bread is buttered. The visitor statistics and Street View submissions say…
The Wrekin – a false volcano (Volcano week 6)
The 400 metre hill known as the Wrekin is a familiar landmark across Shropshire. An isolated peak amid flat farmland, the Wrekin is visible from many miles away, and a popular belief has developed among Salopians (footnote: a Salopian is…
Pigtail Auto Loops
Routes can curve so completely that sometimes they loop all the way around and cross over themselves at a different elevation. Generally this happens in mountainous areas or in tightly-confined urban areas where there isn't enough space to create a…
Life is a Carnival
Nothing says summer like a trip down the midway at the local fairground when the carnival comes to town. Games, rides, food, creepy carnies missing various portions of their extremities – all of them a ritual for millions of fair-goers each year. Join us as we travel the world in search of amusement...
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