Gulliver Park
This is Gulliver Park in Valencia, Spain. The figure you see is an enormous fibreglass model of Lemuel Gulliver trapped by the Lilliputians, and the ropes that tie him to the ground form part of a children's adventure playground. Children…
Valle de los Caidos
The Monumento Nacional de Santa Cruz del Valle de los Caidos (or, "National Monument of the Holy Cross of the Valley of the Fallen") not only has a really long name but is the tallest memorial cross in the world,…
Osborne’s Bull
Here you can see the shadow of one of Spain's famous Osborne bull signs. The Osborne sherry company placed these huge silhouettes of their logo on hills near major roads throughout Spain, and although there was a law passed which…
Ocean Plug Holes
Just off the east coast off Spain lies this collection of holes in the Mediterranean. They're used to drain the Atlantic, which allows for regular cleaning of the sea-bed. Honestly. OK, so I have absolutely no idea what they are.…
Hillside man
Updated Post Made with white painted stones, this figure on a hillside near the Spanish village of Orito depicts the saint “San Pascual Bailón" who lived in a cave within these hills during the 16th century. To the north is…
Tower of Hercules
The Tower of Hercules is the oldest Roman lighthouse in the world and the only one still in operation. Spanish legend has it that one of the many heroes named Hercules battled the giant Gerión on this site, killed him,…
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