British Columbia

Peace Sanctuary

The following email was sent to us way back in 2005: From: "deryk houston" <> Date: 18 Apr 2005 02:40:26 -0000 To: <>, <> Subject: [Google Sightseeing] Contact Form I constructed a peace sanctuary on the foothills of the Rocky…

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Tuesday, 2nd June 2009

The World’s Largest Car Parks?

While many malls, theme parks and stadiums may boast large car parks, most pale in comparison to car storage facilities like the one at the former RAF base in Upper Heyford, Oxfordshire. After 43 years of service to British and…

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Wednesday, 29th April 2009

The World’s Largest Dump Truck

Scraping the bottom of the "world's largest" barrel1, it's the awe-inspiring (former) World's Largest Dump Truck! Built as a prototype and dubbed the "Terex Titan", the 20m long truck can carry a payload of up to 350 tons. The manufacturer…

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Monday, 24th November 2008

Erratic Boulders

An erratic boulder is, simply enough, a piece of rock that doesn't originate from the place where it is found. When these errant boulders are the size of houses however, they take a little more explaining. The city of White…

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Tuesday, 29th July 2008

Up Periscope!

Nearby our sighting of the USS Ohio a few of weeks ago, we can see what very much looks like another submarine, running at periscope depth. Thanks: Neil Harrington

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Thursday, 8th November 2007

USS Ohio (October 07 Image Update)

This is the USS Ohio, an Ohio class submarine cruising along the US/Canada border in the Straight of Juan de Fuca. Flanked to the north and south, it looks like it has its missile tubes open, as seen in this…

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Thursday, 11th October 2007

Welcome to Google Sightseeing!

Google Sightseeing takes you on a tour of the world as seen from satellite or street views using Google Maps. Our team of authors present weird and wonderful sights as suggested by readers.

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