New Brunswick
Covered Bridges Around the World
A quintessential American Icon, covered bridges are in fact a worldwide phenomenon. They can take a variety of forms - ornamental or utilitarian - and can be made of wood, stone or metal using a range of construction techniques. We'll…
World’s Longest Bridge Over Ice-Covered Waters
The world’s longest bridge over ice-covered waters is the 12.9 km Confederation Bridge which connects the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. When PEI joined Canada in 1873, the federal government committed in its Constitution to providing…
Weird Waterways
Today we have a trio of mysterious water-based sightings. First up, these strange pools in Arizona. With all the other weirdness in Arizona, these symbols could only be alien communications, right? The reality is that they were created by Forest…
Combat Training Centre
Here at Camp Gagetown, home to the Combat Training Centre (CTC) (which trains professional combat soldiers for service in units across the Canadian Army), they have some super-cool large type and a giant maple leaf cut from a massive swath…
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