Canadian and Czech Street Views
Google have just expanded Street View's coverage to 14 countries with the addition of 11 Canadian cities and regions1, and the Czech city of Prague. We've already found some great Street View sights, which you can see on our brand-new…
World’s Tallest Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine
Here in Canada, there's a large scale windfarm known as Le Nordais, which as well as having 133 conventional wind turbines, also features one particular design of wind turbine with which you may be unfamiliar. Le Nordais is split between…
Power lines
Six huge towers hold power lines crossing the Saint Lawrence River, they're quite cool. If you follow the lines to the north you'll find another six not-so-huge towers as the lines have to cross another part of the river. Now…
Cirque du Soleil
This is the Cirque du Soleil in Montreal. Well, it's one of them anyway.. the 'Circus of the Sun' is an entertainment company founded in 1984 by former fire-eater Guy Laliberté, and actually consists of at least 11 different troups…
Montmorency Falls
At 83 metres high, the Montmorency Falls in Quebec are 30 metres higher than Niagara Falls. Apparently there are staircases that allow visitors to observe the falls from different vantage points... Not our vantage point though! The falls look absolutely…
More Shipwrecks
Here's one in Saint Lawrence bay, Quebec... ...a beached wreck off the Washington coast... ...and finally a super-cool submerged ship in the river Clyde, near Glasgow! (it's great posting Scottish things ) Thanks to Jacob, Jonny, troy, DDA, Jonathan…
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