North America
Einstein Is Everywhere
The 14th of March marks the 133rd birthday of the most famous theoretical physicist in history, Albert Einstein. While the man passed on nearly six decades ago, his name remains synonymous with genius and intellectual capability. Now, we could devote an entry to the myriad institutions and statues dedicated in his honour, or we could show you his greatest legacy of all - that of a corporate pitchman!
Right Down the Toilet
The toilet – home to some of humankind’s most intimate moments, and probably one of the last things you’d think you’d find on Google Maps (or think to look for, for that matter). One might be surprised, however, at just how many random toilets and toilet-related items are lying around on Google Maps. As part of our effort to maintain our highbrow credibility, we’ve collected a few for you here; it’s a dirty job but someone has to do it.
Top Ten Most Expensive Restaurants in the US
Last year released a list of the 25 most expensive restaurants in the US, with mind-boggling average prices for highly stylised meals consisting of a wide array of exotic ingredients. However, it won't cost you a penny1 to join…
Rock ‘n’ Roll R.I.P.s
The world has a certain reverential (or just morbid) fascination with the death sites of famous musicians. The pantheon of dead music legends is far too great (and depressing) to capture in just one article, but here’s a look at just some of the famous/infamous places where great talents have met untimely ends.
The World’s Worst Airport Terminals
A list of the best and worst airport terminals in the world has recently been published on, and despite some cities making the list more than once, the results span the whole globe. However rather than tell you all…
Groundhog Day
Today is Groundhog Day, a North American festival which reckons that "if a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day and fails to see its shadow because the weather is cloudy, winter will soon end. If the groundhog sees…
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