North America
Planes in formation
In the Saratoga Passage, Washington, there appear to be four planes flying in very close formation. Although it could just be an image overlay problem (there appears to be a seam between them) the four 'motion ghosts' are all in…
Street View Update Feb 08
The Google Lat Long blog has announced that Google has just added 12 more US cities to their street view coverage, bringing their total coverage to, um.. lots. The new cities added are as follows: Albany and Schenectady, NY Boise,…
Mysterious Circle of People
Well it's been a while since we had a real Friday mystery! So, who can tell us why this group of people seems to have randomly formed a circle in the middle of the road in downtown Las Vegas? Thanks…
The World’s Largest Gators
When I was younger, it was always one of my favourite 'facts' that "millions of years ago crocodiles and alligators were, like, hundreds of feet long". Of course it's difficult to argue with a statement this naïve, but we do…
Centralia, a Ghost Town on Fire Since 1962
In 1962, a landfill site in Centralia, Pennsylvania was set on fire. The rubbish was located in the pit of an abandoned strip mine, and although it was believed to have been extinguished at the time, the fire actually remained…
Panopticon Prisons
Originally conceived by the philosopher Jeremy Bentham in 1785, the panopticon was intended to be a type of prison that allowed the guard to observe any of the inmates without them knowing if and when they were being watched. The…
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