North America

Even more puerile artwork

When we first saw this sports field of a Pennsylvania high school, we reacted with "Oh, great, another crudely drawn willy, are there really no original field graffitti artists anymore?" Unable to say anything worthwhile, we forgot about this sight…

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Friday, 7th December 2007

Mississippi Basin Model

The Mississippi Basin Model reproduces the drainage basin of the Mississippi River at a horizontal scale of 1:2000 and a vertical scale of 1:100. This makes it the largest small-scale working model in the world1! The concrete model was built…

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Monday, 26th November 2007

World’s Largest Crosses

As so often seems to be the way with claims of "World's Largest", there's a certain amount of jostling for the top slot - regardless of who should rightfully be in it. Most often described as the World's Largest Cross…

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Friday, 23rd November 2007

Plymouth Rock

Today, the fourth Thursday of November, is the American holiday of Thanksgiving. The Thanksgiving festival traditionally thanks God at the end of the year's harvest, and is a tradition passed down from the Plymouth Colony who settled in New Plymouth…

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Thursday, 22nd November 2007

Oceanic Flight 815

No-one could deny that it’s got more and more stupid with each passing episode, but somehow many of us are still hooked on Lost1, the TV show about large group of good-looking people stuck on a mysterious island. In what…

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Tuesday, 20th November 2007

World’s Largest KFC Logo

This gigantic image of the KFC Colonel was constructed from 65,000 1-foot-square tiles laid out in the Mojave desert. The advert took six days to construct, and was announced to the public almost exactly a year ago. However the images…

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Friday, 16th November 2007

Welcome to Google Sightseeing!

Google Sightseeing takes you on a tour of the world as seen from satellite or street views using Google Maps. Our team of authors present weird and wonderful sights as suggested by readers.

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