North America


Congregating by this water outlet in West Palm Beach is a whole herd of Florida Manatees, a highly intelligent species of aquatic mammals, also known as Sea Cows. The water outlet is actually from an adjacent power plant, and Manatees…

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Friday, 4th May 2007

Planes on a Train

Driving past the small town of Cathcart is a train, carrying the fuselages of 4 Boeing 737 airliners! As the train is passing a road I couldn't turn down the opportunity to reference a classic Steve Martin film, so in…

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Wednesday, 2nd May 2007


In the comments of this morning's Underwater Explosion post reader Julian found this great large type. Apparently made of trees planted in the water, the word may well be "DUMAC" or Ducks Unlimited de México. Despite the title, Ducks Unlimited…

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Tuesday, 1st May 2007

Underwater Explosion?

Could these be the waves from an underwater explosion? Found in a lagoon in Acapulco, the circular waves could be caused by any number of different events. However, the waves are about 8m peak to peak, and still can be…

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Tuesday, 1st May 2007

Face of [Insert Your Own Messiah] Found in [Insert Your Own Natural Phenomenon]

Free UK daily paper The Metro published an article last week about a YouTube video1 in which someone claimed to have found the shape of Jesus in a cloud, floating over Mount Sinai in Egypt. We thought this was such…

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Monday, 30th April 2007

Area 5

"Area 5" is part of the Nevada Test Site where, along with other more famous areas, America has for decades tested various underground nukes, bombs and maybe even alien spacecraft. A large part of Area 5 is used as storage…

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Friday, 27th April 2007

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Google Sightseeing takes you on a tour of the world as seen from satellite or street views using Google Maps. Our team of authors present weird and wonderful sights as suggested by readers.

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