North America


This aircraft carrier in China is going to have a hard time achieving much while locked in a small lake some 30 miles from the sea. That's because it's a ¾ scale model of the U.S. Nimitz Class Aircraft carrier,…

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Monday, 20th November 2006

The Real First & Largest Logo Visible From Space

First it got Dugg, and then it got Slashdotted - but the fact remains that the enormous KFC logo recently constructed in Nevada is not the first logo (or brand) visible from space. In fact, it's debatable whether or not…

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Wednesday, 15th November 2006

Helicopter Downwash

Check out this incredible image of a helicopter skimming the surface of the pacific, several miles off the coast of Baja California Norte, Mexico. How cool is the disturbance in the water from the helicopter's downwash!

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Tuesday, 14th November 2006

Zombie Attack

Oh dear, it seems the workers at Southwest Office Systems in Fort Worth have been attacked by Zombies, and in their desperation have painted "SOS" on the rooftop. Maybe someone should go and rescue them? If you do valiantly go…

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Saturday, 11th November 2006

Dolphin Pool

Take your pick from either a pool of dolphins or a dolphin-shaped pool. The image of dolphins in a pool was captured from Google Earth, where you can also clearly make out a crowd gathered round a dolphin at the…

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Thursday, 9th November 2006

Thelma Will U Marry Me?

Here at McAllen-Miller International Airport, Texas, someone has asked Thelma to marry them by writing an enormous proposal along one of the airport's access roads. However, I half hope that Thelma declined this particular offer, on the the grounds that…

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Monday, 6th November 2006

Welcome to Google Sightseeing!

Google Sightseeing takes you on a tour of the world as seen from satellite or street views using Google Maps. Our team of authors present weird and wonderful sights as suggested by readers.

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