Have you ever wondered what kind of camera takes the aerial photographs Google use? Well, at least in Anchorage, Alaska, the company taking the pictures uses a Zeiss RMK TOP 15 Aerial Survey Camera System.
Black Holes
Finally! We have proof that Google is hiding things from us in Alaska, Mexico and er... New Jersey. Hmmm. Anyway, it's a conspiracy I tell you! Firstly stretching over a large part of Alaska, all the way into the Yukon…
Sea Plane
This one might not be new to some of you, but this picture of a sea plane taking off in Alaska was too good not to post 😀 If you look around the edges of the port (or is it…
Forest Fires
It's pretty obvious where the fire has been and where it is heading in the first forest fire in Louisiana (thumbnail #1) and there is an immense amount of smoke from this other fire in Louisiana. You can see a…
Elmendorf Air Force Base
This "Elephant Cage" in Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska is part of the DOD World Wide High Frequency Direction Finding System. More information on the system is availble from the Federation of American Scientists. Thanks: Gabe
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