New York


Here's a tanker being tugged off the coast of Mexico, there's another one not too far off as well. Scarily, the first one (thumbnail #1) looks a little like it's leaking... Here's another off the coast of LA (captured alongside…

Posted by
Thursday, 12th May 2005

Bridge Shadow Award

And the nominees for this year's Google Sightseeing 'Coolest Looking Bridge Shadow' Award are as follows… Ironcladlou for the wallet-burning Verrazano-Narrows Bridge in New York, New York. Punk floyd, Greg Small, Duane Homick, PegO and TZ for the fantastic Ambassador…

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Monday, 9th May 2005

Rikers Island

Rikers Island is New York City's largest jail facility and has 15,000 inmates. The only access to (and exit from) the island is via the Rikers Island Bridge to the south. Thanks: Michael Kizer & Karen

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Tuesday, 3rd May 2005

Yankee Stadium, Bronx

The Yankee Stadium in the Bronx, NY is where the New York Yankees play. Thanks: Django

Posted by
Friday, 22nd April 2005

Ground Zero

Ground Zero, site of the 9/11 tragedy.

Posted by
Sunday, 17th April 2005

Submarines and Aircraft Carriers

I didn't expect submarines to be found easily, but we've actually had quite a few. The first is in Point Loma peninsula in San Diego Harbor, CA. Directly in the centre of that map, next to the dock, is a…

Posted by
Saturday, 16th April 2005

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