The White Houses
The White House is, as we all know, the official residence of the President of the United States. But did you also know that the White House is the official residence of an Iranian immigrant? Of course, I'm not talking…
Satellite Furniture Manufacturer
Submitter Cybervox points us to a suspicious building that supposedly houses a furniture manufacturer, yet has almost a dozen satellite dishes in various sizes. His website has ground level photos and speculation on what goes on there. Government conspiracy or…
Iowa Class Battleships
The last battleships ever built by the United States are known as "Iowa class" and were named after the states of Missouri, Wisconsin, New Jersey and Iowa. The four ships were built in the 1940s and between them have served…
Ocean Breeze Gorilla
At the entrance to the Ocean Breeze water park in Virginia Beach, VA, stands a 30 foot gorilla wearing beach clothes and sunglasses. You can clearly see his shadow in this image, but you can also see a ground-level shot…
The Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel
Here's the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel, because it's been a while since we had a bridge. Er, I mean tunnel... no, wait, two bridges! Or is that two tunnels? Frick. The Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel is a combination of two bridges and…
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