Site News: Brief Spanish Lesson
Apologies to anyone who tried to view Google Sightseeing today and was inadvertently redirected to our excellent Spanish site. Everything is now back to normal, but some RSS readers may still be showing cached Spanish content for a few more…
Now We Are Five
Today Google Sightseeing is celebrating its fifth birthday! We will be marking the occasion by eating cake and manically trying to finish our latest redesign of the site (which is, typically, late). Last year, we summarised the site's first ever…
Google Earth and Maps Image Updates
It's been a while since we've posted here about updated images in Google Earth and Maps, but Google have been steadily rolling out new updates every few months, usually with a short quiz relating to the new locations. However, today's…
New GSS Writers!
Our regular readers may have noticed a slight drop in output from Google Sightseeing lately, which is due in part to our drive to find more contributing writers to add to the team. If you've missed daily updates, then you'll…
Island Week 4
Now in its triumphant fourth year, this week we will be focussing on all things island with Island Week 4. The name gives it away, but the idea is that we'll be posting mainly about islands, it'll last for a…
Become a Google Sightseeing Writer
UPDATE: Due to the level of response to this post, we have stopped accepting notes of interest - thanks to everyone who got in touch. If you haven't heard back from us yet then it's likely that your application didn't…
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