Giant Rock
This is Giant Rock in the Mojave desert, California, which is (wait for it)... the largest free-standing rock in the world. Er, right. But wait, there's more! George Van Tassel (the dude that built the Integratron) carved a small room…
Navy Training Centre
The Navy Training Centre in San Diego is a closed facility that is currently being turned in to a shopping centre so there's not much to see, except for the USS Recruit - a destroyer that seems to be a…
Big Brother 7 UK
Update: For anyone who watched the first episode, can I just say... Oh. My. God. I really do despair. Oh blimey. Is it that time of year again already? This year, they've gone and hidden 100 golden tickets in special…
Google Subscribed Links
Google's "Subscribed Links" is a cool new feature for Google Search which, when you're logged into your Google account, allows you to subscribe to dynamic search results from your favorite websites. We're created a Subscribed Links feed for Google Sightseeing,…
Bill Clinton’s House
One of our readers, Morgan, lives in Chappaqua, New York, and he'd heard that Bill Clinton (the 42nd President of the United States) lives here too. So Morgan took a little wander with Google Maps, and when he found a…
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