Anti-Tank Hedgehogs
These spiky looking red things are "anti-tank hedgehogs" just outside of Moscow. They are designed to be placed in roads or along defensive lines to stop mobile armour zooming about. These hedgehogs are a memorial that marks the closest point…
Leaning Tower of Niles
The Chicago suburb of Niles is home to the world-famous Leaning Tower of Pisa. No, wait, that can't be right! This must be the Leaning Tower of Niles, a 1/2 size recreation of the Pisa bell tower, however there's no…
Site News April ’06
There's changes afoot as the staff at GgSs celebrate our first anniversary next week! We've got loads planned but they'll have to wait a little while more as Alex is still awaiting a decent internet connection in his new flat…
Morton Salt, Chicago
Morton Salt is apparently North America's leading producer of salt and have been based in Chicago since being founded in 1848. The roof of the factory has the company name, along with their slogan "When it Rains It Pours" and…
Somerset Bridge, Bermuda
This is the Somerset Bridge in Bermuda - which is apparently the smallest working drawbridge in the world! Wikipedia says the bridge: consists of two cantilevered half-spans, separated by a 32-inch (80 cm) gap bridged by a thick timber panel.…
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