Google Street View Sightseeing

Small Alberta town (Drumheller) terrorised by world’s largest dinosaur #streetview via Ian

Thursday, 11th February 2010

Finnish man flashes the #streetview car from his own front garden We know where you live!

Wednesday, 10th February 2010

The Google #streetview car discovers a tear in time and space. All in a day’s work really.

Wednesday, 10th February 2010

Wild reindeer roam the streets of Finland #streetview via @ssusu

Wednesday, 10th February 2010

These angry SCUBA divers manage to chase the #streetview car a long way, considering they’re wearing flippers via @prebenlm

Tuesday, 9th February 2010

One upside-down Whitehouse-esque building in America is bad luck but two is a serious problem!

Tuesday, 9th February 2010

Welcome to Google Sightseeing!

Google Sightseeing takes you on a tour of the world as seen from satellite or street views using Google Maps. Our team of authors present weird and wonderful sights as suggested by readers.

Like this site? We published a photo book of the best entries, you should buy a copy.