Google Street View Sightseeing

In Taipei, a man contests the “oddest thing to do as the #streetview car passes” title by kissing his parrot

Tuesday, 1st September 2009

Where an abducted girl was held for the last 18 years, the abductor’s van pulls out and follows the #streetview car #creepy

Tuesday, 1st September 2009

Oh for goodness sake. The Sun reported that this: was the Loch Ness monster. THAT IS A BOAT. ( #eejits

Wednesday, 26th August 2009

I think this couple have just bumped into each other and fallen over. That’ll be it.

Tuesday, 25th August 2009

I wonder what this guy actually *did* to get stopped and searched by the Swiss police? Hmm?

Tuesday, 25th August 2009

It seems that the public urinators in Portugal start their training early

Tuesday, 25th August 2009

Welcome to Google Sightseeing!

Google Sightseeing takes you on a tour of the world as seen from satellite or street views using Google Maps. Our team of authors present weird and wonderful sights as suggested by readers.

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