Google Street View Sightseeing

In Newcastle, these two shops are obviously working together for a very specific demographic #streetview via djohnso

Tuesday, 30th June 2009

The end of the Taff Viaduct in Cardiff is marked by ‘A Private View’, a giant reflective metal ball

Tuesday, 30th June 2009

#streetview driver asks for directions when he arrives at the southern Australia coast Or maybe he’s going for a swim.

Monday, 29th June 2009

This is Monk’s Diner from Seinfeld in real-life (actually Tom’s Restaurant) #streetview (via @gmapsmania)

Monday, 29th June 2009

Another motorcyclist who seems to think that doing a high-speed wheelie in front of the #streetview car is a good idea

Monday, 29th June 2009

Young children involved in a rather serious looking fight in Bradford. Potential admissible evidence?

Monday, 29th June 2009

Welcome to Google Sightseeing!

Google Sightseeing takes you on a tour of the world as seen from satellite or street views using Google Maps. Our team of authors present weird and wonderful sights as suggested by readers.

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